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CROWUNS species Info

Original species by BESSEB.


Creating Guide (post on boosty)

Circus devils - Crowuns (Crow+clowns)

Crowuns are low devils, perhaps the most colorful representatives of the infernal world.

They are genderless creatures that can infect themselves in any way they want, whether a girl or a boy, or a stool or a walmart bag.

Crowuns look like toys, but in reality they are living things. Their colored suits are a part of the body, it is impossible to remove it, except to go into self-harm and pull down the pants with the skin.

Externally, they are VERY variable in color and type of patterns, shape of horns, faces, or ect.

Circus devils are divided into 4 main types:

♥ HEARTS - aka "passionate".

♦ DIAMONDS - "proud"

♠ SPADES - "dramatic".

♣ CLUBS - "contemplative."

They can also be compared to the four types of temperament according to Hippocrates:

♥ Hearts - choleric

♦ Diamonds - sanguine

♠ Spades - melancholics

♣ Treffs - are phlegmatic

It is not difficult to see that by such a pattern Crowuns are divided by temperament. But this does not mean that each of them does not have a unique character and preferences.

Moreover, there is no such thing as a 100% melancholic, just like in humans. This is measured on a spectrum.

Each Crowun is unique and this does not mean that the same Peak specimen will always be depressed and timid.

A Crowun's MUST is formed based on his character and temperament, not the other way around.

Subspecies "The sincerest"

Absolutely all Crowuns by coloration contain at least 3 different colors (White and black do not count, in addition to them you need 3 more).

But there are also extremely rare individuals - the name of them Harlequins - they are B&W (including one additional color). They look like this because they belong to the subcategory of The sincerest's.

!!!Harlequins are not available for free individuals!!!

The difference from standard devils is that regular ones will never show you their sincere intentions. They are cunning, even blackmail is fine to them.

With the sincere ones, the situation is different. They are truthful and unhappy in their own way in this, because often as well as naive by nature. However, for the time being and naivety atrophies and with it Harlequin gets more and more monochromatic coloring.

The DoppelHunger phase.

If by some coincidence in the clutches of Crowun got another piece of human soul - he evolves into a demon of the second stage and from this moment he has a second form - monstrous and strong. The name of this state is Doppelhunger.

In fact it looks like a large predatory version of itself. The body becomes large and long, the arms massive.

The Doppelhunger phase occurs under the condition of prolonged starvation. In normal times, they eat whatever is in their mouths, chocolate bars, pizza, ice cream, in short, tasty human food is always their priority.

In a state of unbearable gorging monsters want only one thing - human meat. Once their hunger is satisfied, they return to their original state. Usually it is enough for them to eat a human or a few lower demons.

!!!! Dopelhunger's form is not available for free createing, but the right to it can be purchased for money with further rendering from the creator of the species. !!!!

Human Interaction.

Like many lower demons, Crowuns usually exist near humans, especially at fairs. Actually, people are not very happy about it, because their new "neighbors" cause more trouble than any profit. Participate in the same performances they are undoubtedly fun, but the circus program because of them always gets unpredictable effect.

Crowuns love make some chaos, thet are thieves and just bastards, but it is also possible to come to an agreement with them.