Zack / Photon-Rex



2 months, 5 days ago


General Information (WIP):

Name: Zack Galeus (TBC)

Age: 10-12

Gender: Male

Birthday: TBA

Codename: Photon-Rex

Powers: Plasma (Fire/Electricity)

Zack is a quiet but headstrong kid who has a fascination for dinosaurs and other animals. Resorting to logical outcomes, he is a man of facts. He's great at the academic subjects he finds interesting, and does decently in PE classes. He will not hesitate to stand up for what he believes is right and wrong.

His alter ego is Photon-Rex, the dragon mech hero of town. He is capable of utilizing his plasma powers to shoot beams, create shields, etc. He is the all-rounder of the trio, and the leader.


One day while playing at the playground, a Kaiju that is the size of an adult came crashing in, disrupting the peace. All the kids ran in fear, himself included. While hiding, he comes across an alien artifact that had the DNA of an extinct creature in it. This artifact converted the genes of the plasma dragon to create a power suit, allowing him to fight the Kaiju back with his new plasma powers! 

Since then, more aliens had been showing up, forcing him to take action as the only person with a power suit. His best friend, Stella, eventually comes across a second artifact, giving her powers of her own.

A while after, they hear rumors about a monster under the local bridge, which they go to investigate. The duo eventually come across the Kaiju they fought off on the first day, looking like a sad puppy, crying his eyeballs out. Out of pity, they comfort him and eventually decided to take care of him and understand him better, soon coming to understand that the big guy was just a baby who was forcefully separated from his family and had ended up in a foreign land. The duo accept him to their group and officially name him Kenny French-Fry (after being unable to decide which name fits better amongst themselves)

The three of them now fight back the aliens that terrorize their hometown whilst trying to figure out the cause of their appearances.

Random Facts:

• This character was designed as the protagonist of my comic assignment which assigned me a script and a list of assets to design. While the comic plot belongs to the university, the story and connections beyond that with the characters belong to me.

• Originally supposed to be based off my nephew, since he seemed more likely to one up the kaiju by becoming a better kaiju rather than transform into a magical boy.

• A lot of his design has Triceratops motifs, which the mech follows a dragon theme, the contrast to what was reality and fantasy