


2 months, 22 days ago

Basic Info




"Statue of Sin" | Alter ego of Alectrona (their "creator" in a way)


??? (Statue Age: 16)


Half-Demon, Half-Statue


Genderless but physically presumed to be androgynous female





Ability 1

Take the Sin

Desc of Ability

Cynthia has the ability to absorb the souls and sins of sinners into her body as a way to gain more power or use them later on.

Ability 2

Use the Sinners

Desc of Ability

She can release souls from her body that dwell in her body that take for as the shadows, hurting her victims by piercing/injuring their shadows, affecting their body. She usually pretends that she and the shadows can't move when someone is staring at them when they can easily move even when someone is looking at them and think it's awfully funny. She can continuously uses the shadows and sinners to her will, the only way that they can be killed or dissipated is if there's an angel present that can purify them. Although she is controlled by her creator, she can become sentient if her creator is unconscious or killed.


Desc of character: She finds pleasure in deceiving others and scaring them. Since the statue vessel of mortal sin, and her creator (Alectrona) uses the statue as a way to store human souls, she has at least 500+ people inside of her, all horrible people who committed terrible sins (from the worst being murder or rape to the least worst being lying). Cynthia feeds off human souls who committed horrible sins and haven't asked for forgiveness from God and becomes powerful through that form. When Alectrona was young and needed revenge for her peers sexually assaulting her, Cynthia was created by her mind and did so, thus killing them and absorbing their souls in her statue body.

A/N: Cynthia's voice is rather different than how most of you may expect. She has a soft and smooth man's voice when speaking normally, however, when feeling any negative emotion, she speaks in a deep, slightly growling, and demanding woman's voice.  If it's neither, as they could be feeling a positive emotion, they both speak at the same time, and it's in a slightly higher pitch to express how cheery or excited they are.

(A voice reference will be linked below. Keep in mind it may have disturbing images and scenery that are not for the faint of heart.)
Voice Reference
Sad voice: 1:42 - 1:54
Upset/angered voice: 3:26 - 3:42
(Keep in mind they're not totally what I imagine their voices sound like, but it's closest to what I could find.)