ChickweedSun (Wiki Page)




"No! Don't leave yet! We haven't even started life!"
This article contains some triggering content such as
  • Religon/Religious Abuse/Manipulation
  • Illness/Wounds/Maulings/Starvation
  • Death/Murder
read at your own discretion
Spoiler warning: This article contains the full plot and ending of a story being told through animations and fanfics. If you want to find out the story on your own do not continue.

"Are we allies or enemies? This will be the death of me."

— "Allies or Enemies" by The Crane Wives

ChickweedSun is a plump they-cat with ginger feathery fur and a red bonnet with spots dappled across. She is missing her right leg, eye, and her right ear is limp.

ChickweedSun is the current HeatherClan deputy under ChestnutStar's leadership. She was born a rouge named Cricket to Vanilla and was quickly taken in after she was injured and her father proved too ill to care for her properly, being renamed ChickweedPaw. She is MoonPaw's love interest in the first book, and later becomes his mate in the new territories. But after his exile she grieves his death and is named ChickweedSun after him. She becomes a deputy after gaining the apprentice BerryPaw. After the foreat fire that destroyed their old territory ChickweedSun and the clan are forced to move, this is where she meets FrozenPond at a gathering and they secretly become mates . Soon she is caught up in a scuffle of jealousy, where she is thrown in the gorge and is nearly killed by SweetBreeze in a forest fire.

Unknown Residence:
Deputy Position
Preceded by:
Succeeded by:
Book Appearances


MoonPaw's Belief, MoonPaw's Journey, A Poisonous Path, ShinePetal's Rebelion


MoonPaw's Belief

"I was so scared.. I didn't even know what got me.."

―Cricket to SpiderWisp about their recent injury

ChickweedSun is the tritagonist in MoonPaw's Belief She is brought into the clan after being mauled by coyotes under the name Cricket. She is quickly made into a new apprentice and renamed ChickweedPaw. She watches as the clan gets manipulated by Dreamer and often is the optimistic voice of the group of apprentices. She is the love interest of MoonPawPath.

MoonPaw's Journey

"So he's truly gone.."

―ChickweedPaw to SweetPaw about MoonPaw's 'death'

ChickweedSun is a deuteragonist in MoonPaw's Journey. She is given a p.o.v in certain chapters of the book, being used as a way to see how HeatherClan is coping. After the events of MoonPaw's belief where MoonPaw is supposedly killed by Dreamer, ChickweedPaw is left in grief, having a prophetic dream of MoonPaw turning into flower petals and flying away from her sealing the idea that she was dead. Partly she was greif-stricken because of all of that clan-mates she lost, but also because of the loss of her crush, MoonPaw. She is made into a warrior in this book, being renamed into ChickweedSun. And after some moons she gains an apprentice named BerryPaw. She is soon after made into deputy, yet a few moons into her deputiship the camp is set alight by a thundestrike, forcing the clan to leave their old territories. ChickweedSun is assigned to help scout for a new place to live. Soon they stumble upon their new camp and ChickweedSun during a gathering meets FrozenPondPath. And not knowing why she recognizes the they-cat she began trying to be friendly toward them. After a little of resistance and distrust FrozenPond and ChickweedSun fell in love again. And soon FrozenPond, much to ChickweedSun's glee, reveals she is MoonPaw.

A Poisonous Path

"SweetBreeze please! I didn't mean to make you hate me!"

―ChickweedSun to SweetBreeze during the fire in HeatherClan's new territory

ChickWeed is the protagonist in A Poisonous Path. This book is mostly solely from her and SweetBreeze's perspectives, ChickweedSun in this book is multiple moons into her deputiship. Yet her friend, SweetBreeze is jealous over her privledge. At first SweetBreeze tries to coax her into leaving the deputy role. But even though she considers it, she decides ultimately her clan needs her more. This leads to SweetBreeze to turn to more violent methods. Eventually, boiling to a point where she leads ChickweedSun to the gorge and pushes her in. ChickweedSun nearly drowns and ends up on a bank far away from her clan, almost hopeless to get back with her multitude of injuries and exhaustion. Yet eventually she makes it back and realizes her role has been replaced temperarily by SwiftCrow. This let her heal for awhile before SweetBreeze murdered him, forcing her back into the position before she was ready. This lead her to over exert herself multiple times. Even with ChickweedSun suffering enough, SweetBreeze was still not satisfied. SweetBreeze began burning down the camp and cornered ChickweedSun and revealed it was her who was trying to kill her this whole time. This left ChickweedSun no choice but to fight her old best-friend. At first it seemed SweetBreeze was getting the upper-hand over the exhausted and already injured ChickweedSun, but in a final bout of addrenaline she got a grip of the she-cat's tail and as she went to pull SweetBreeze out of the way, her tail detached, sending SweetBreeze plumeting into the flames to her supposed death. Once ChickweedSun was finally out of the fire, she began greiving her friend's death. Often thinking to herself that she was a murderer.

ShinePetal's Rebelion

"I heard she was thrown in the gorge!"

―CrescentMoon to ShinePetal about ChickweedSun

ChickweedSun is a background character within this book, breifly being mentioned by CrescentMoon to had fallen in the gorge, the other time she is mentioned by name is when she is pulling BarkPaw away from the border after he tried to chase a LagoonClan patrol across.

Detailed description

ChickweedSun is a ginger cat with blonde spotches on her rear, her back paw is a bleached white color and her front legs are a burgendy. Her eye is a pale amber. Her head is covered by a bonnet with a orangish red color, it is adorned with small white spots. Her head is also covered with curly thick blonde "hair" which covered her mauled eye. Her ears are folded at the tips with the right ear being limp and falling to her cheek. Her tail is short and fluffy with a bird-like shape. In her tail there are occasionally a few chicken feathers. Her right leg is missing. Her front paws, inner ears, and nose is a deep burgendy. Her back paw is a orangish blonde.

Character pixels


Rouge Version


Apprentice Version


Warrior Version


Deputy Version


Refugee Version


Unknown Residence Version

Killed victims

This list shows the victims Character has killed:


ChickweedPaw's apprentice ceremony [Collapse]

She's barely hanging on. I dont think she has much time left, RoseStar.


Very well..

.. I ask my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has suffered and given up her life in the service of her family. Let StarClan receive her as a clan-borne warrior. She will be known as ChickweedPaw.

ChickweedSun's Warrior ceremony [Collapse]

I, RoseStar, leader of HeatherClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these two apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. ChickweedPaw, SweetPaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your lives?

ChickweedPaw and SweetPaw:

I do.


Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior names: SweetPaw, from this moment you will be known as SweetBreeze. StarClan honors your kindness and strength, and we welcome you as a full warrior of HeatherClan. ChickweedPaw, from this moment you will be called ChickweedSun. StarClan honors your bravery and your determination, and we welcome you as a full warrior of HeatherClan.


ChickweedSun! SweetBreeze!

ChickweedSun's Deputy ceremony [Collapse]

I say these words before the body of RoseStar, that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of HeatherClan will be ChickweedSun.

ChickweedSun's second Deputy ceremony [Collapse]

Due to SwiftCrow's death, ChickweedSun will be reassigned back to her position as deputy.

Personality and Relationships

ChickweedSun is a feisty, optimistic feline which tries to look for the good in every situation and cat, even if that means she down-plays her own struggles and emotions to please everyone else around her. She is motherly and defensive, often hopping in to defend her friends. Though this defensiveness means she can be coaxed and manipulated easily by the cats she is closest to. She also trusts and forgives far too easily, which can lead her to bring horrible people back into her life for the sake of avoiding change. Though this forgivness is a downfall, this leads her to be boundlessly loyal to her clan, willingly putting her life on the line for any of her clan mates. Compaired to her friends, she is a bit more of an airhead. Her creativity and optimism sometimes coming off as rude or sarcastic, even when she means the opposite.




FrozenPond: Alive as of ShinePetal's Rebelion.


VanillaPond: Alive as of ShinePetal's Rebelion.


SpiderWisp: Alive as of ShinePetal's Rebelion.


Interesting facts

  • She is based off of a barn-yard hen.
  • Her bonnet was inspired by 'Rosie the Riveter'.
  • ChickweedSun went through multiple iterations before landing on her current design. One of her first offical designs was a siamese cat named 'FlameHop'. But it was quickly changed due to accidental ableist connontation.
  • At one point, her page had 'professional arm westler' as a profession as a nod to Rosie the Riveter.
  • In their native language (German) ChickweedSun's name would be
    • Kricket (Cricket)
    • HuhnTatze (HenPaws)
    • HuhnSonne (HenSun)

Author statements

  • When asked about ChickweedSun's breed, Clownfoolery stated that she'd be a somali.
  • Clownfoolery has also stated that her favorite prey would be quail eggs.
  • Her original concept was based on a 'what if Strawberry Crepe Cookie where a cat' senario, as said by Clownfoolery.


  • ChickweedSun is a noncanon character.
  • Please do not copy her design or story.
  • All characters mentioned are ocs.