Verona Cossack



2 months, 17 days ago

Basic Info


Verona Cossack

Gender + Pronouns:

Female, she/they!


Robot Master, specifically Cossack Bot.



AI Age:

Around her 30s.


March 28



Theme Song Claim:

Shop - Undertale

First Appearance:

Mega Man 5

English Voice Claim:


JP Voice Claim:



“Someone needs to teach you some manners.” - Verona.

Verona is a Robot Master created by Dr. Cossack after the events of Mega Man 4 and was lightly inspired by crows. She is a housekeeping robot that not only assists with keeping their lab and home tidy along with assisting with repairs but her main goal is very clearly to look after Kalinka Cossack to ensure her safety.


Verona is considered a mature and collected being, often speaking with a monotone or otherwise, soothing voice. Any action of hers is with grace and attempted manners, considering herself as a humble household robot who not only keeps Cossack’s lab and home intact along with assisting with repairs but her main goal is to keep Kalinka as safe as possible, a hint of motherly-like trait notable in her personality. Verona has shown this trait for other allies of hers as well, sometimes gently comforting them or being by their side if needed. Verona has a high distaste for those that have poor manners, a bit of a strict attitude making an appearance when occurring someone like that—sometimes leading up to a moody aftermath.

While Verona canonically has no built-in weapons or true combat experience, she is extremely determined to protect those she considers loved ones—sometimes, putting herself in risk if it means others can get in a quick getaway. While she states otherwise, she seems to discard her own health at times, only getting repairs when being told to or if truly; there is no other choice. She also has a good sense of direction, with or without the help of her pet crow.

Weapons and Abilities:

As mentioned, Verona has no weapons installed or specific combat features, making offense a weak point of hers. However, she is extremely skilled in evading areas and making a good getaway, taking advantage to either get Kalinka or any other allies to safety.

Her pet crow, which is currently unnamed, is also a good ally that could be considered assistance—often being used to either keep track of someone, send a message or to fly out for help, and at times, a emotional support animal if needed. While helpful, the crow is not made for combat and also has a weak offensive with the exception of poking at people’s head with its beak when annoyed.