
1 month, 22 days ago



MoS • Tribe of Stone • N/A

"You think you are possessing me / but I've got my teeth in you"

4 years
mischung (need to purchase)
poseidon's abyss
sea salt and death

gasp of air
lisa curtis

A gasp of air is all I need
What kind of person needs to breathe?
A healthy one I'm sure but that's not me
Some water if I'm lucky but I would never ask that much
Don't wanna start a war so I'll let it be
Whatever makes you happy

first meeting

To be added!



Part 1

Thora is new to the world, having just been birthed alongside her brother Valdis. She is still learning her place amongst the fearsome wolves of Halcyon clan, guided by the gentle paws of her parents. Thora is a bit quieter than most of the other Vikings she's surrounded by, and, as a young pup, it will take her awhile to learn how to open up to them and stand her ground.

Part 2


Part 3


Part 4


canon rp lore


rp quotes



leah sava jeffries
voice claim
lawful good


green and pink
jade vine
ljosalfar garden

current interactions


neutral traits


the woman, at her core, is incredibly naive. she does not often understand social cues nor quickly processes when someone is making fun of her. thora tends to skirt the edges of 'reality', instead focusing on her own self and busying herself with whatever it is she likes to do in a day. the whims of other wolves don't often make sense to her.


thora has an inate lack of ability to make friends. since she does not easily pick up on social cues from other wolves, the woman tends to be incredibly lonely. even amongst her family, thora tends to stay quiet, mind focused elsewhere. even though she'd like to get close to others, thora simply does not understand how.


going hand in hand with her naivety, thora tends to be rather sensitive. words from others cut deep, especially from someone is close to. on the flip side, the girl can read others well at an intuitive level. although she may not understand what these feelings mean or what to do with them, thora can pick up on the emotions of others.

positive traits


once someone is able to muscle through the tough outter shell of the woman's personality, thora proves herself to be a dependable and stedfast ally. little can break her relationship to another—when she loves, she loves fiercely and with all her heart. thora would go to great lengths to make sure the wolves in her circle are safe and well taken care of.


when thora puts her mind to something she is hard pressed to stop it, especially if it is something the young woman is passionate about. she likes to put her all into the work that she does, wether she's working alone or with others.


the young woman has a very seraphic appearence and demeanor which allows others to feel comfortable and calm around her.

negative traits








Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Sincere Deceptive
Calm Irritable
Diligent Lazy
Humorous Serious

rp prompts


you find yourself on the borders of DoT without a clue how you got there. Basilia offers to show you around.


There is always stuff to do around the pack. You offer to help Basilia with something, and gain some reputation points!

a smile a day

you've decided to make it your mission to get the incredibly stoic queen to laugh. How you attempt this is up to you, but be warned—it's yet to happen.

a spar

You stumble upon Basilia training alone, and she invites you to join her.


theseus - precious jewel armor

"He stood out, as he must // And like him, you shone too much // If you think you’re a hero, die like one"

Hungover in the city of dust - Autoheart

"Resonance is far away // Try to complicate my thinking // Am I falling, am I sinking?"

design notes

appearance: the primary color that adorns the body of the lady is a gray reminiscent of the deep fog that can set over the ocean during a storm, like thunder, her coat flecked with drops of lightning. this color covers a decent portion of her face, her cheek fur, and extends down the ladies neck, stopping at lean shoulder blades. this storm cloud gray picks up again towards the base of her tail, looping down her back legs, about halfway down her thighs before being cut off with another color, one much lighter in saturation and hue. this color is similar to that of bone, like the remnants only seen after years of decay, polished by the salt water of the sea. this color is present on the lady's face, drawing up from either side of her nose and flowing out as it reaches her eyes, meeting in a point before curving backwards and mixing into the fur right below her eyes, like the rib bones on a mouse, snapped under the paw of a predator. this alabaster color resumes again on the woman's neck, drawing shapes like waves into her fur as it carries down between her front legs and onto her stomach. it is present on her front legs as well, curving down in a shape akin to a raindrop flipped onto its head. on her back legs, this bone color resumes again, sloping down in gentle waves, almost to her ankle joint, before curving upwards again and hitting the base of her tail, where it descends down the inside, almost to the tip. on basilia’s back, after the storm cloud gray ends, it is picked up by another gray, darker this time, the color of charcoal, or seastones found deep below the ocean’s surface. this color is present only in a strip, from her shoulder to the middle of her back, fading down her front leg as it melts into another color. this color is akin to the hide of a fawn, its soft browns also present on the lady's face. it stretches from the center of her snout, between the bones of alabaster on each side of her nose, upwards, around her eyes before the color fades back into the gray above her eyes. where the fawn hide returns to gray, the alabaster returns, adorning her forehead like jewels, making a crown in three gemstone shapes, the middle one larger than the rest. the fawn hide color returns on her pelt at the center of her back, after the darker, charcoal like hue, making its own strip from the middle of her back downwards, only cut off by the alabaster strip on her stomach. this color returns again on her tail, where the thunder gray transforms into it towards the tip. this brown shows up again on her ears. the main base of her coat is flecked with what looks like stars, hints of white adorning the grays and browns, signs of determination, of hope, of age. her nose is black and smooth as a seastone, and her claws are sharp and white like the binding light of the sun at midday.

eye color: Her eyes are the color of a field of grass upon a sunny day, dull in color in the dark, but ones that shine with an irresistible light when seen in the sun. flecks of brown shine in them, as through flecks of the sun itself had dulled and taken residence upon her orbs. they hold many hardships within them, tell the tales of many who have walked upon them, hold unimaginable fury staved off by a calculating gaze.

body build: the lady is on the larger side for her species of wolf, her stature one of grace and elegance, not unlike the fawns who’s color seem to cling to her coat. her weight is light, lethe, and she carries the bulk of it in muscles that thread through her limbs and chest. her size should not be mistaken for weakness; while she may be smaller and slimmer than most, she has learned how to use this to her advantage. she carries herself as through she commands respect, and that others should bow down before her. with stance alone, one would never know the weight she has endured.

notable physical traits: basilia sports few scars scattered along her pelt, each one she does was one gained from her youth, during raids from rival packs. once she assumed the role of ruler of her old pack, however, few dared to come near her, and she allowed herself to stay out of the fighting, allowing others to sacrifice themselves before she would lift a paw to help them.

accessories: n/a


ul tbd

"Zephyra is a dear sister to me. I would have been lost years ago had it not been for her guiding hand. I know she may leave me one day, and I pray every morning that the day comes late."

keba tbd

"A warrior in every right. I know I was not always kind to you, Thandion, and I—I feel strongly when I look at you. You are a strong soul, kind... I feel bravest when you stand at my side."

bael son

"You are a strong boy, and though you will never be my successor, you put everything you have into this family. I'm sorry you were brought into the world as you were, but know I couldn't be prouder of who you've become."

alaska relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut egestas nunc id purus venenatis, ac mollis augue bibendum. Maecenas non tortor neque. Vestibulum at metus egestas, feugiat lorem in, eleifend ligula. Nullam at pulvinar dolor. Suspendisse mollis imperdiet ipsum.

hawk's eye relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut egestas nunc id purus venenatis, ac mollis augue bibendum. Maecenas non tortor neque. Vestibulum at metus egestas, feugiat lorem in, eleifend ligula. Nullam at pulvinar dolor. Suspendisse mollis imperdiet ipsum.

Character Name relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut egestas nunc id purus venenatis, ac mollis augue bibendum. Maecenas non tortor neque. Vestibulum at metus egestas, feugiat lorem in, eleifend ligula. Nullam at pulvinar dolor. Suspendisse mollis imperdiet ipsum.