🌟 Geist Estiellac🌟



2 months, 26 days ago


Geist Estiellac
A young Viribus girl born to the powerful Estiellac family.
With a kind and silent character, a natural leader. However, due to the excessive pressure of her family, she spends her time running away or hanging out with her friends in order to be happy and not sink into the life of a nobleman.
Upon arriving at the Foundation and falling in love with a young boy almost the same age as her, and his parents seeing the abuse she suffers in her home, they decided to take her in and adopt her thanks to a Muiciduj named Azucena.

The bad thing is that her family is still looking for a way to get her back, since she has intense but still dormant powers, and they want to use her for her benefit to, perhaps, overthrow the Kalahari family and take the throne one day.

In an alternate future, she dies due to the war and becomes a guide for the daughter of one of her friends (Egan's daughter specifically, but from an alternate dimension). She would teach her all types of magic and would give her an old book with her notes that previously belonged to her.