


5 years, 9 months ago


Remorseful • Inquisitive • Tired


Nergal is a private investigator who works to seek justice for those who have been failed. As the sole heir to Satan's throne his position has afforded him a major flexibility unavailable to civilian detectives. Though disilusioned by the society his family created, he hopes to atone and fix what's been broken through any means possible.

" If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then brother that person is a piece of shit; and I'd like to get as many of them out in the open as possible." - Rust Cohle

height 6'2''

build Fucking Shredded

pronouns He/Him

s.o. Pansexual

dob October 26th

sign Scorpio

origin Wrath

occupation Fixer

mbti ESTJ

demeanor Confident

tarot Strength

element Shadow

obtained N/A

value N/A


  • Solving Cases
  • Motorcycles
  • Dogs
  • Monster Energy


  • Uncertainty
  • Family Drama
  • Sudoku
  • Mr Pibb

Early Life

Nergal was born an only child to Ninlil and Satan thousands of years ago. His birth came much later, right as the civil unrest in hell was at its peak. A young Nergal grew up hearing stories of the civil unrest, he came to see it in person before his mother's passing. He knew he wanted to change things for the better, he had aspirations to be the figure his people needed. Nergal would often draw his plans for the future in a pretty red color, his mother always impressed at his ambition. While she was still around, Ninlil was inseparable from her son at any chance she got. His father showered him in love when his mother wasn’t around, he taught him strange magic from a young age to prepare him to take his reign. Nergal was more than happy at the thought to do what his father did...until the fateful day his mother went missing.

It was a sudden occurrence that hit him like a truck, his father never openly mourned or even uttered her name from that day on. It left a bad taste in his mouth, their relationship deteriorated due to Satan’s deceit and outright disregard for Nergal’s feelings on the matter. For years, Nergal considered the possibility that he killed his mother and was pushing him away to hide it. Satan never gave him information, he never spoke his wife’s name, and never helped to find her. It killed Nergal inside.

The Force

The second he had the chance, Nergal abandoned his home with his father and went into the training academy under a pseudonym. His aspirations to lead his home changed in an instant, he quickly rose up to be a top Enforcer with his combat skills and his intellect. His time in the academy, as well as his experience in the field, caused his emotional state to become quite numb. His goal was to hone his skills well enough to personally investigate the disappearance of his mother. Paired with a partner, he took his position seriously Though, the longer he stayed in the force, the more he saw of the societal problems and realized the system he worked for was broken and it harmed their people more than they helped.

Specifically, Nergal and his partner worked a case of a rich demon who had known ties to a human trafficking ring. He worked tirelessly to find evidence in order to arrest him and save the victims of the ring. After coming within arms reach of his goal, due to a technicality, he was released and his victims were returned to him. It was after this, Nergal became disillusioned with his work. After decades of service, he resigned as lead detective to handle the law in a way he saw fit.

He threw away what he knew of justice and begun again from scratch. He took cases on his own terms and disregarded procedures in favor of getting justice for the victims. The law refused to touch many of the upper class, while Nergal took their heads. For a time, he forgot his original goal of his mother in favor of helping. He took thousands upon thousands of cases, the mere mention of his name sunk fear into the criminal underbelly of hell. It didn’t take long before the Princes began to enlist his help in taking certain criminals down. Nergal never took work from them that he wouldn’t do for other people.

Nergal’s re-interest in his mother’s case resurfaced after another Prince’s wife went missing. Twyla, Asmodeus’ wife, suddenly disappeared under similar circumstances. She left a young daughter and husband behind with no trace of what happened to her. It hit him hard and it became the sole case he worked on for several decades. He questioned over and over, drilling it in his head to find out what happened to her. Twyla was never found. Asmodeus mourned quite openly with his daughter at his side. Nergal highly suspected Asmodeus had something to do with her disappearance, he considered Satan an accomplice. Their cases were too similar to ignore the possibility of his involvement. He investigated the pair and alongside reopened Ninlil’s case.

Decades later, he would come to work with an investigator from heaven, Flora. He worked with Flora to solve many small cases that would fall in their lap. The cases were important, however, the bigger picture seemed to be bringing Heaven and Hell’s forces together as one. Through this, the pair grew a friendship.

Love and Order

Nergal ended up being led to a case that’s currently plaguing the human world. Various humans have been found with their souls missing, some mutilated and some bodies intact. It became an instant priority for him. While investigating one of the many crime scenes, he met Terra Borealis. Nergal felt drawn to her ability off the bat, he felt as if getting assistance from her would make solving the case a bit easier. He had an internal battle, not having a partner since his time in the force, but he ultimately pursued her help. Terra proved to be an incredible asset to the case, her intellect and deductive reasoning worked well with his skill and knowledge. Early on in the case, Nergal revealed to her who he was and where he was from. He figured open transparency was the best route. Unsurprisingly, she didn’t believe him and it took convincing via an actual trip to Hell to do the trick. From then it was a done deal, they became firm partners and worked tirelessly to the Soulless bodies case.

During the investigation, the pair grew close and fell in love with one another. Their feelings only strengthened their bond and their ability to work together as partners. Nergal asked for her help with the previous cases of Twyla and Ninlil. They began an interview process of finding the information again, the pair interviewed Pudding, Asmodeus’ child for information on the case. Then their sights were turned on Asmodeus, who lied about having knowledge of what happened to his wife all those years ago, revealing Satan was involved with his wife. Nergal was beyond distraught at the news and confronted his father, only able to hold himself back due to Terra’s presence. The pair got Satan to reveal the truth of the matter, Ninlil was imprisoned by him due to her want of destroying humanity. The revelation hurting Nergal more than anything else.

Nergal’s new goal of finding his mother and bringing her home is almost all he can think about. Twyla’s disappearance still remains a mystery he has yet to solve, it weighs heavily on his mind. Though, he feels as if there's some sliver of hope she could be alive. His relationship with Satan is more frayed than ever, he feels unable to trust him and considers harming him sometimes. For now, he wants to find some sort of peace. Just for a little bit.



[ Father ] Nergal has had a turbulent relationship with his father, Satan often keeping him at arms length in a misguided attempt to protect his son.



[ Mother ] She's been missing for thousands of years, Nergal is still grappling with the weight of her returning into his life, and why she was gone in the first place.



[ Wife ] Terra has been a consistent rock for Nergal, he admires her skills and loves her dearly. It was her insight that led to so many cases being cracked.



[ Daughter ] Magia has taken to teething on the couch as of late, she also likes to lay on top of Terra's face when shes asleep.



[ Son ] Salem is very clingy to his parents, having intense separation anxiety without them.



[ Uncle ] Nergal never really looked up to Asmodeus, but he admired how much he cared for his daughter. Now he can't think of anything good to say about the man.



[ Aunt ] Nergal took on her case personally, wanting to possibly save her from the same fate as his mother. However, as he's learned more about her he finds himself feeling mixed towards her.



[ Cousin ] They have a close relationship, Nergal not-so-subtly pities her for all of the strife she's had to endure over the years. Much to Puddings dismay.



[ Uncle ] At one point Nergal thought Lucifer was the pinacle of fairness, how the mighty have fallen.



[ Childhood Friend ] A steadfast ally and breakfast buddy, Flora is one of Nergal's oldest friends.



[ Ex-Partner ] Augustine looked out for Nergal during his time with the force, any good relationship was soured on Nergal's exit however.



[ Best friend ] When Nergal left home Matthew and his father graciously opened their home to him, they're quite brotherly.



[ Second Dad ] A wise older figure in Nergal's life, he acted as a surrogate father while Nergal stayed with them, he in some ways still is.



[ Best Boy ] Nergal adopted Cerberus after rescuing him from a mutated animal fighting ring, he was scheduled to be put down but Nergal intervened and left the force behind to care for him.



[ Friend ] A friendly human encountered on Earth, Nergal checks in with her when he can.



[ Ex-Partner ] Nergal and Azazel were forced to work together at the behest of Satan and Victoria, it ended with the two nearly killing each other and the escape of a wanted member of the enlightened ones

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