


2 months, 25 days ago


 idia konno , 21 y/o ~ [ she/her ] 
" black dragonfish 

; info : IDIA -- >

" an ordinary citizen of splatsville. although, she dislikes the noise and chaos from the city after the events of the finalfest. She plans to move into somewhere less populated someday when she has the chance.
idia likes to roam around places like the deepsea metro and alterna.
sometimes, she spends all day on the train to escape the city.

" idia is involved in 2 bands that occasionally publishes music.
though the bands are not very popular, they've both managed to cultivate an audience that enjoys their music.  she likes to play the flute and drums while remaining faceless

her main music is more upbeat and relaxing, though she prefers to produce songs closer to rock/metal.

; info : extras

" idia's favorite bands are C-side, riot act, chirpy chips and diss-pair
" her preferred weapons are dynamo roller and splatana stamper. although ideally, she would prefer using a scythe
↳  traits : ninja squid, haunt & stealth jump.

" she has a huge celebrity crush on Lionel from H2Whoa, but tries to be secretive about it, as they do not have the best reputation.

" her fingertips are dyed a blue-ish black.