Sunburst (Fernsong)



2 months, 19 days ago


Fernsong was always a bubbly personality as a kit which poured over into her adult life. She moves through her clan always accepting of her clanmates and being helpful anywhere she can. Her best friend has always been Fossastride whom she grew up with through apprenticeship. When Fossa became closed off after the incident she gave him the space he needed but being as determined as she was she realized her feelings for the cantankerous male and managed to weasel her way into his heart. She hopes to someday not change the event in his heart that happened but to ease the pain that comes with the memory. Her name Fernsong comes from the melodies she has been known to hum and sing with the kits in the clan to entertain them while the queens have their rest as well as from the moss, vines, and ferns that always seem to adorn her pelt.