

2 months, 23 days ago


mukade.315 ( genderless, male presenting, he/they/it) about 23 ft tall. is a warrior mech a part of a different army than eponym. he was discarded and sent to earth because he was too good and too efficient at his job, and his fellow comrades and lord had grown to fear his great intelligence and power. they were afraid he would be their downfall and eventually destroy their ranks and organization from the inside if he decides to do so or develops a different mindset that isnt that of his lords wishes. hes very good at following orders and is extremely loyal, yet is not afraid to question authority or do things his own way. he holds a grudge against his lord for discarding him when all he ever showed is loyalty and did his best only to be met with nothing in return. he prefers to keep his face inside of his helmet to remain somewhat anonymous, and to hide the scratch on his face. (mukade means centipede. the 315 can be read as supreme, highest, or ultimate.) he is very close with eponym and is friends with supernova and abraxas, even though abraxas seems to be a little annoyed with his large ego.