Barghest Hollenhund



8 years, 5 months ago


Name (& pronunciation): Barghest (Bar-Gest)

Date of Birth (& age): Unknown Birth date.

Place of Birth: Hell

Gender: Male

Species/Racial Origin: Hellhound

Social Class/Community Status: Ceo and founder of his own Company, High class

Language: Whatever is needed to get his point across. (Multi lingual)

Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Eithen Hollenhund (Best friend, considers them his family)


Physical Description

Height: 14’ 5”

Weight: 650

Hair: thick black fur

Eyes: Black sockets with ethereal white slits

Limb Dexterity: Somewhat flexible

Detailed Physical Description: Massive, Domineering, Reserved to a point,  2% body fat, 98% muscle mass

Typical Clothing/Equipment: Black suit and tie for business, casual black clothing (whatever shows off his exterior to whatever suits him, slimming clothing or revealing.)



Personality/Attitude: Self absorbed, “I am a king” chauvinistic, domineering type of personality. Can be an energetic mass of destruction, otherwise friendly and outgoing to others he trusts.

Skills/Talents: Unparalleled strength and physique. Speed and ability to maneuver around objects. Can phase into ethereal black smoke at will, loves to take on the “Genie” look whenever possible.

Favourites/Likes: Working out, Crushing smaller opponents, his job, Going out to clubs to enjoy the entertainment others can provide. Flaunting his body to whomever he's interested in. Most of the time enjoys going out to cause a scene, or find himself a adventure with another unsuspecting being.

Most Hated/Dislikes: Other beings whom give him attitude, disrespect, Failing to provide the utmost in service (even though he works in deathmatches, will provide the best care and services possible)

Goals/Ambitions: Maintain his position and status in his career choice having already climbed and beaten his way to the top. “Keep the crown where it needs to be”

Strengths: Brutal physique and strength, Stamina is extremely  high, Heightened abilities in smell, sight and hearing. Able to see in the dark. Phazing his body and teleportation for long distances.

Weaknesses: Too big to maneuver quickly, Senses may be stalled, May be easily blinded by anger, wreckless

Fears: Monophobia (fear of loneliness or abandoned) Amnesia

Hobbies/Interests: Clubbing, Watching his own sponsored fights to the death, entertaining, Entrepreneurship, Loving the sound of his own voice,

Regular Routine: Morning shower, take care of business with any and all scheduled fights regarding his own sponsers, or otherwise. Breakfast with any visiting friends, Enjoying the afternoon out and about, either leisurely strolling around the city shopping centers with a crowd of people following him feeding his ego or alone, wanting to take his mind off whatever is troubling him. If the evening rolls around, would love to visit his friends whomever is off work, go out drinking or clubbing purely for self entertainment. Have dinner out with said company and return home to his penthouse to enjoy life in luxury and start the day over again.

Philosophy of Life: “Destroy or be destroyed.”

Attitude Toward Death: Sees him as a good friend, but rarely wants to visit.

Religion/Beliefs: No religious affiliation except worshiping his own self, Beliefs are “ no one in this world will ever make you happy but yourself.” a ‘take whats yours’ mentality.

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors:Heavily into Dom/sub (90/10), enjoy’s sub who muscle worship or worship him entirely, will rarely show a submissive side to anyone. Into humiliation, degradation and invading the dreams of others to either “enjoy” there company, or wreck havok. rough play, blood and more

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Realization that nothing in this life is ever given to you, having been born into pain and suffering at an early age,

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: Males only, will enjoy teasing females physically but will not carry it out any further. Demisexual, Heavily experienced in rough play, values consent if it betters his own worth or self.

Education/Special Training: Self taught, Experienced in MMA and underground fighting leagues. Having taken a small time fighting league when he was younger, and turned it into a massive private business by himself.

Place/Type of Residence: Private penthouse furnished with nothing but the lavish of black and silver toned accented items to give himself a piece of mind and sensual vibe.

Occupation: CEO and Expert MMA and UFC of his own  business.

Place of Work: Underground fighting league built privately by his sponsors and private business owners  seeking a chance at big time.

Work-related Skills: Anything that has to deal with MMA leagues, owning a business and operating privately behind the back of any and all regulations.

Past Occupations: MMA fighter in a smaller owned league, deemed too harsh to continue fighting and was promptly removed.

Memberships: Gym Membership, Gold card members club, Ceo of his own company, Secret societies (Heavy into secrets)

Additional Notes: