Level 527: Mangrove Tunnels



2 months, 5 days ago


Level #: "Mangrove Tunnels"



Feel the Freedom and Adventure! On behalf of Level: 527, We'd like to welcome You all to The Tunnels!

Have an adventure Kayaking, Swimming and Boating here at Level 527!

To begin your Journey further into the level you will need to travel via one of our kayaks, all of which are fresh, clean, and colorful! You can choose between single, double as well as foot powered kayaks! Kayakers will enjoy many amenities at our launches such as complimentary life preserves, restrooms, kayak washing stations, and picnic areas!

As you venture from the launch into our beautiful water you'll enjoy a crystal clear view all thanks to the Mangroves and the special bacteria on the roots. In the thick Mangles, or Mangrove forests, you'll find small crablike creatures that feed on the leaves of the Mangrove trees promoting new growth. The sounds of nature will fill your ears from the gentle waves to the distinct 'POP!' of native fish similar to Mullet. Fishing is welcome, however, we encourage catch and release to keep the tunnels full of life for generations!

Whether it be a warm sunny afternoon or a gentle morning shower kayakers will enjoy a tropical climate, swimming in the refreshing waters one can expect temperatures between a warm and bathlike 82-88°F most of the time but rare occasions the water can reach lower temperatures ranging from a crisp 61 to 68°F! Sunscreen is always highly recommended for kayakers and swimmer alike!

While level ??? has a average depth of 2 feet the deeper part of the water can get up to 15ft! Kayakers and swimmers will need to wary of the possibility of rip currents so don't forget those life preservers!

Let's talk more about the Launches Greeted with colorful kayak libraries you will feel our hospitality with luxuries like kayaks dollies and complimentary new paddles! Prestine public facilities are a standard of all launches, to keep things fun for the whole family launches have water play areas for the kids! Charcoal grills are seated by shady picnic gazebos, escape the sun for a short while and enjoy lunch! Food and charcoal are not provided by the launches so be sure to provide your own! It is advised to avoid eating any sacrificial leaves off the mangrove trees, this is to protect the tree as well as you!

Tour guides may be present at your launch, you'll be able to spot our friendly personnel by colorful tropical shirts and swimwear! Please avoid eye contact with staff. For those who are hungry and seeking to know more about the tunnels kayak tours are offered, explore tropical waters with exciting trivia and facts about the wildlife! Each tour will consist of 10 kayakers not including the staff and usually last between 2-3 hours long if you return you will not arrive back at your current launch so be sure to grab all belongings with you!

We hope with all this information we can see You at the Launches!


Space detailing any entities that inhabit the level. If there are none, feel free to specify.

Entrances and Exits


● The Launches: These serve as the main entrances to Level 527, each launch looks similar but is arranged differently and are number randomly. There are a total of 7 known launches with only a few more expected to exist as they are sparse. Massive kayak libraries line the innermost entrance to the water. Varied sized parking lots are featured leaving the empty parking lots of the launches leads to the Beach and is advised to avoid during extreme heat.
● The Beach: Those who wash up on the beach entrance can continue down the beach they will find themselves with limited kayaks to choose from. If you choose to continue down the beach you will more than likely see the entrance towards the Condos sub level on the horizon. Eventually you will reach a parking lot that leads into a proper launch.
● The House Boat


● The Condos
● The Sailboats
● The Beach

Trivia & Extra Info

Any notable info that doesn't fit elsewhere can go here, or maybe even some trivia.

Cody by Erandia Edited by Samintech