Nuada Nooéloosuki



6 years, 1 month ago



【 Name 】Prince Nuada Nooéloosuki
【 Called 】The Half Blood Prince
【 Age 】16
【 D.o.B. 】April 21st
【 Gender 】Male【 Orientation 】Asexual
【 Height 】6'0"【 Build 】Tall and thin
【 Origin 】Bethemooréan【 Ethnicity 】Bethemooré clan
【 Role 】Sorcerer, warrior【 Alignment 】Humans/B.P.R.D.
【 Status 】Alive 【 Theme 】TBA

Prince Nuada Nooaloosuki is a warrior of the Bethmooré clan and Nicholas Woodhull's nonnative counterpart. The name "Nuada Nooaloosuki" (Pronounced: Nu-ah-da Noo-a-loo-suki) is the Bethmooréan translation of "Nicholas Woodhull". He is often referred to as Nicholas in the human world and by his peers in the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (B.P.R.D). Nuada is very quite and does not talk very much at all. Despite his serene demeanor, he is very powerful and a skilled fighter. He is very gothic and wears a lot of black, "satanic" and dark 18th century clothing (Just as earthly Nicholas Woodhull does). As for his appearance, he has very pale skin and black lips and black hair, as many of his native species has. Unlike his natives, he has very dark brown eyes and a hint of fangs. Furthermore, he often has weird methods of communication and interrogation methods, to human standard anyways. For example, one time to force a native enemy into telling him how did he come about his mother's name (Samantha Woodhull) he reached into his throat and retrieved a worm/caterpillar looking bug, he then inserted the insect into the enemy's ear. After a minute, the worm crawled out of his ear and unexpectedly to his peers, he put the worm back into his mouth.  As expected, his friends, family and co-workers at the B.P.R.D who witnessed the event, were highly disgusted. He then explained how it was used to absorb information through the brain...It didn't make them want to puke any less. Nuada also has super strength, prior to the worm incident, moments before that he threw his nemesis through a wall. Rule #1: Don't talk about his "moidrem". xD

He's definitely more of an oddball and honestly kind of gross character but I still love him!! XD I should draw him soon...


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