


5 years, 9 months ago




Age 24
Gender Female
Race Sweet Demon
Role Bar Tender




Berry's a (you guessed it) mixed berry flavoured sweet demon. Her horns are made of rock candy, and you can say she has a passion for fashion. Though shes coordinated, the occasional fall in her heels does happen - but even then she makes the most of it! Any broken off bit of candy she incorporates into her designs - she's a pretty tough candy (get it - like a tough cooking but it's candy? Im hilarious)


9780672_t8k2sEmYCI6kKyN.gifBerry's a chill gal. She's smart, sassy, funny & empathetic. But only when she wants to be. Years as working as a bartender has taught she should really only appeal to the people she wants to appeal to. While she puts on a friendly and flirty act for her job, the minute someone tries to spark a conversation she doesn't want to have, shes colder than ice. Kinda like her flavour - shes a bit of a mixed berry. In her spare time, she loves making fashion, as well as running her 20000 insta accounts. Shes a loving person, but you wouldn't really guess that by talking to her. But believe it or not, behind her witty jokes and know it all attitude she looks out for her friends and is a dependable shoulder to lean on.



  • Late Nights
  • Fairy Tales
  • Apple Juice
  • Socialising
  • Sad Songs


  • Hard Liquor
  • Early Mornings
  • The Cold
  • Thoughtless People
  • Untoasted Marshmallows


Sweet Demons are a closed species created by @cartoonsodakid


Basic info
"Sweet demons are short demon-like humanoids, they have candy horns, wings and tail. Said candy parts are able to be many different varieties, like soft and squishy on the inside with a semi hard casing, much like a jelly bean, to a mostly filled glass bottle of hot cocoa.
Sweet demons, as the name suggests, are gentle and sweet but there have been aggressive sweet demons. This behavior has commonly been associated with the flavor of the candy, but not always the case.
There have been noticeable behavioral differences between single flavored demons, and duel flavored candy parts, though extremely rare there's been instances where the casing of the candy is a different flavor of the inside of the inside, and/or has two different colors, this doesn't seem to be hereditary, more of a mutation that randomly appears on the sweet demon.
Sweet demons are vegetarians, eating a whole assortment of berries, nuts and roots they find in the forest.

Flavors and candy types
Every sweet demon has a set flavors, though there's no rarity on the flavors there are limitations on them, sweet demons can only have flavors that are present for the candy type, though you can also find sweet demons with crystalized honey, maple syrup ect. some types of candies only seem to come out at a set type of year, these types are: bertie botts every flavored bean is only able to be made around Halloween, candy cane horns only around Christmas, chocolate horns around valentines and foil covered chocolate horns around Easter, though this is all we know at this point and there may be more that we don't know at this point. The drink candy types are stored in horn/wing/tail tip shaped bottles, the glass has never been seen to be able to break.
A sweet demon can remove their candy parts, they slowly grow back, taking a few weeks to fully grow back or only a few days for the glass to refill if its a drink part. the treats are removed and given to show affection, a sweet demon giving someone a horn or a wing is a friendly gesture, but giving the tip of a tail is a romantic gesture, doing this is to show their love, it's how a sweet demon asks another out."


  • Large horns [UC]
  • Hard Candy horns [UC]
  • Split Eats [UC]
  • Two eyes [C]
  • Goat eyes [UC]
  • 2 tails [UC]
  • Medium tails [C]
  • Point ended tails [UC]
  • Small wings [UC]
