Could I offer a custom and a half body for artist?

Oh sure!

AH- I’m in LOVE with Gnorp- I’m debating shelling out for them lmao- 

Cause you’re tentative on them, I can offer $35 or maybe $40 for them if ya like :3 

Woah man that’s a lot 😭

To make it fair is there anything I could possibly add for the offer Like extra art along with the ref and icon?

Lmao sure if you want to, whatever you think is fair ^^ 

I’ll do $35 and with the ref and icon you can do whatever you want with it to make fair however you see fit :3 

Just figured I’d offer a bit more because I really like this lil guy ^^ 

Oki doki I’ll start working on that soon!

Sounds good! ^^ Ty :D 

You might be interested in someone from my sale folder? + Art\Custom for alien

Aaah, I can offer on the alien someone from this folder and art/custom!!

Didn’t see anyone sorry!