Ryoji Mochizuki (RWBY)



5 months, 21 days ago


 Full name: Ryoji Mochizuki

Age: 17? (Volume 1-3)

Birthday: December 2nd

Gender identity: Male

Species: Human?

Orientation: Bisexual

Relationship status: Single

Love interest: None

Current occupation: Hunter

Status: Alive 

Influence: Greek god Thanatos


Handedness: Right

Weapon: Peaceful

Aura colour: Black

Semblance: Sleep

Ryoji Mochizuki is a hunter who regularly travels across Remnant. He was apparetly born without a father and was trained by his mother to become a hunter. Ryoji's use of weapon is scythe that transforms into a greatsword.


Type: Melee

Weapon derivation: Scythe, sword

Ryoji's weapon is called Peaceful. He says it was made by himself based on blueprints created by his mother. Its standard appearance is a scythe which is more heavier than Crescent Rose or Harbriner meaning he is more slowing when weilding it. The weapon can also transform into a sword making it lighter to handle while also being able to inbue it with dust in which Ryoji prefers to use red dust.



One of the most unusual traits Ryoji has is his semblance. Ryoji can die but only temporarily as after a limited time, he comes back to life completely fine. Ryoji describes dying as retreating to a special room where he relaxed for a while until he is ready to return back to life. The caviat to this is that before resurrecting, his body is left vulnerable and very easy to be disfigured which is why Ryoji always fights with a teammate so they can protect his body beofre he comes back to life.