• Lavender •



5 years, 9 months ago


A shapeshifting kitsune-like being. One of choruses only friends. Pretty mysterious and she loves shiny stuff. She barely talks to anyone but Chorus, and even then prefers to speak in nods and grunts. She fights with these big orb things and is very graceful. She can also use purple fire but does use it often. Her fire can only come out in little balls like the ones pictured in her first piece of art

she‘ll eat almost anything, even dirt, Lavender can often be found chewing on a stick or a bone

her mother was a priestess and she grew up in a temple. Her mother is a very kind soul and taught Lavender many things, Lavender visits her often.

She’s remarkably weak for an adventurer, her leg and arm muscles are pretty good but her core muscles are weak. Shes lean by nature not from muscle.