


5 years, 10 months ago


He doesn't belong to one place specifically,  I bounce him around a lot:

CYBERPUNK (with Chip and everyone else)

In a cyberpunk setting where actual nature is reserved for "people who can afford it", Virgil illegally buys and plants flora (usually trees) around neighborhoods. 

He is quite knowledgeable about street planning and gardening (does quite a bit of research before planning anything). He gets his money mostly by stealing from his brother's pharmacy, but sometimes works with gangs and locals.

CTHULHU (with Angela and everyone else)

Virgil is a janitor at Angela’s university. He is barely spoken to and has very few friends as far as school personnel goes, but he’s acquainted with plenty of people at various speakeasies and drag bars, as well as locals in his neighborhood. 



He never went to uni, and left his parent’s house as soon as he was able to. Lives with Berenice in a student apartment and does a few low wage jobs, whatever he can manage. He does drugs occasionally, and knows quite a few people who do. Funnily enough he got into gardening after having a lot of fun growing mushrooms by himself.


Things that stay the same in every AU:

  • His name is Virgil or Virgilio. Goes by both. 
  • 2nd gen Filipino immigrant. 
  • Gay. Thinks gender was made up by toilet companies to sell more bathroom signs, but will only admit it 7 drinks in.
  • Environmentalist.
  • He is a vegan on a moral principle, but does not mind cooking meat he didn’t buy (figures the damage is already done). 
  • He looks serious at first, but he is quite sweet.


  • Has a small dog (Dante) who is old and insane and hates everyone but him.
  • He’s very close friends with Berenice. They had a brief fling together when they were younger and both identified as gay men, and are still extremely close to each other. 
  • At some point he adopts Casper. Casper is a second nephew of his that was taken away from their parents, and Virgil was the closest family member to be able to foster them.