Kae Lirus



8 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Kae Lirus


19 (about 23 in Faelii time)




99 lbs


Male (though Faelii evolution is slowly deleting gender)


Faelii (closed original species)

Sexual Orientation:

Homosexual / Homoromantic


Mechanic / Sex Worker / Stripper (depending on the RP)


Wrench / Taser Boots / His body (depending on the RP)


Abilities: Faelii Glamour | Bioluminescence

Faelii have several evolutionary advantages for survival including bioluminescence, long tails for torque and balance, and a racial trait called 'faelii glamour'. Similar to how an angler fish attracts prey, with the help of excreted pharamones and gently waving dance-like patterns of their tail and antennae, Faelii can attract other creatures. Usually this is used to attract pray or distract predators from the hunting party.

Weaknesses: Packless | Easy to harm

Faelii are pack animals, and as such, they are mostly useless on their own. Although Kae is sound in the ways of hand-to-hand combat, his size and weight make him easy to overcome. His tail and antennae make for dangerous handles and can be easily dislocated or injured. 

- Working with his hands
- Edible gifts
- Comfortable clothes
- Showing off how strong he is
- Vehicles

- Bigoted Absolutes
- Any talk of how he's a bastard
- Not being taken seriously | being mistaken for a child | being misgendered
- Having his antennae or tail touched | being picked up without his permission
- Having to turn people away from his services

If you don't know him very well or tend to be the kind of person that judges other based on their physical appearance, Kae seems bubbly, friendly and adorable-- but really, these descriptors annoy him. Kae is intellectual, cunning and a bit of a cut throat. Most people would call him sassy, but he doesn't entirely agree with that either. Kae is curt and honest and not at all afraid of voicing his opinions. He's quick to make conversation with someone, but genuinely liking anyone is something he struggles with and although he has a few close friends he would never call himself friendly. He's a business man. He works to get what he wants and make the pay he needs. You have to be special for him to take interest in you. Sob stories don't work on him and he's not very sympathetic. As an alien who's never met his real parents or been to his home planet, there's not much you can say that will make him feel sorry for you. It's not that he's doing it to hurt you or be mean, he just doesn't care. He's pretty aloof, maybe a little self-centered. 

Kae is a physical creature and communicates more by leaning against people or poking them than using his words. He's a little lazy and will often tell people to do things for him. "Reach that, hand me that, go get me this". He's aware of the stigma his race holds and likes to use it to his advantage, though anyone that makes any sort of advances toward him better be careful not to get bit with those tiny sharp faelii teeth. His voice is lazy and higher pitched than he would like, but never call him girly.

Additional information:

- Birthdate: January 14th (Capricorn/Horse)
- Used to work as a sex worker, as most Faelii do
- Would love to leave the planet