


8 years, 3 months ago



  • Fiamma

"This is the world's end, so shall we do the one' two'?"


♫Age♫ ............................ ░▒▓
♫Gender♫ ............................ Demigirl (They/She)
♫Sexuality♫ ............................ Demi-Panromantic, Asexual.
♫Title♫ ............................ Waitress/Chambermaid.
♫Origin♫ ............................ Waterfall, Crystal/Lantern Area.
♫Species♫ ............................ Ghost/Will o' The Wisp/Monster
♫Likes♫ ............................ Darkness, Attention, and MTT.
♫Specialty♫ ............................ Trolling, Playing Tricks.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed justo purus, dapibus vel ultricies id, aliquet at nunc. Nullam rutrum justo eu sollicitudin luctus. Ut dapibus nisl tincidunt nunc tincidunt posuere. Ut mattis vitae metus eget porttitor. Nullam nibh augue, pretium eu pharetra blandit, congue convallis risus. Morbi id sem vehicula, hendrerit lacus ac, sollicitudin libero. Proin viverra consectetur dolor in interdum. Donec iaculis mauris metus, ut dignissim risus dignissim eget. Etiam malesuada consequat ipsum, non consectetur lacus consectetur ac. Duis eget suscipit dui. Sed porttitor odio vel lacinia aliquet. Curabitur dictum vulputate nibh ac aliquam. Fusce aliquet auctor nibh at convallis.

Nulla convallis finibus lectus, auctor interdum mi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam eget nunc ac sapien luctus ultrices. Proin lobortis fermentum placerat. Vestibulum sollicitudin eleifend erat, non efficitur nisl iaculis convallis. Morbi sit amet tellus vel ante volutpat consectetur. Vestibulum lorem urna, venenatis sodales scelerisque sit amet, commodo id magna. Etiam dictum finibus enim, non blandit magna lobortis eu. Curabitur vitae finibus neque. Quisque mattis, nunc non euismod tincidunt, lorem quam scelerisque eros, sed aliquet nisi nulla at lacus. Fusce vitae ante euismod, maximus mauris vitae, convallis tortor. Donec condimentum, lectus id dapibus sodales, lacus augue posuere tortor, et finibus nisl felis lobortis metus. Duis pharetra, arcu eu vulputate venenatis, quam nisl finibus urna, sed mattis quam erat ut enim. Mauris elit sapien, facilisis interdum purus nec, consectetur pretium diam. Nam congue odio sapien, sit amet dignissim risus iaculis eget.



If you asked Fiamma how or when she was born, she wouldn't have the slightest idea of an answer for you. She might feel obligated to make up something dramatic, considering one day she simply "was." That she simply one day flickered into life as a tiny wisp of a ghost in the middle of the pitch blackness of the waterfall swamplands. She herself never even thought of herself as a 'ghost' until others began describing her as such. Her concepts of these things are very limited.

Fiamma spent most of her early years in utter solitude. A frightened and terrified existence upon being born that did little more than hide away on impulse without much to go off considering a lack of memory but an innate sense of being. It's obvious being a ghost is extremely unpleasant for her, or at least it was back then. Most of her actual social interaction coming from Temmies.

As this devolved into intense loneliness, Fiamma grew a better grasp over shifting her form and started playing tricks on monsters who would travel through on the way to hotland: luring them out and trapping them knee deep. Sometimes simply with a light show, over time she's reached the point where when she became aware of their existence will shape her fire to appear like a human soul. (this one remains her favorite.) Even negative attention is attention.

As such, she has somewhat of a negative reputation amongst her victims, though very few actually know a lick about her due to her reclusiveness.

Her recent ventures into the rest of the underground were an unforeseen event caused by this dwindling issue of loneliness and a result of another monster she met in the encompassing darkness.

Every part of Fiamma's 'fire' is nothing but a faux, non-corporeal mess made out of mostly swamp gases. She's not real fire in the least: in fact, running your hands through her will quickly cause her physical form to dissipate. She cannot be touched, in fact, she'll have to pull herself back together due to the rift you've left in her shabby excuse for a 'form'.

The only part of her that can breach the mysterious social act called 'physical contact' or quote-unquote 'feel', are the gloves she possesses. The only part of her form that is consistent and always there, she's incredibly attached to them. Now she still can't really feel sensation... but it helps. She describes it more as 'the presence of an object' rather than actually feeling the weight of it.

Fiamma has a set mass that she herself is able to control with the ghost fire that sets up her body. She's weakest away from the swamps and bogs, and can't gather anymore gases. Thus, outside, she can often shrink or outright disappear unless she makes a strong effort to 'keep herself together' should someone cause her to dissipate enough. In the light she will almost always fade out for a few moments at least until she can retreat to darkness again. This feeds deeply into her counterproductive need to isolate herself into the shadows for the sake of feeling 'complete'.

Fiamma's 'flames' change color varying on mood and quirks of thoughts, and she cannot control this despite her best efforts to. Her emotions quite literally show on her uh... her all of her.

Skills + Abilities