JP Saxon



5 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

JP Saxon

Other Names:

Saxon, J if you know him well


Male (he/him)


well he at least likes men


mid 20s


Human (dreamweaver), also a dog


Still Dreaming

Creation Date:

March 1st 2019


JP Saxon is a private dreamweaver for hire. In a world fueled by the magic of dreams, Saxon is one of the few specialists with the ability to manipulate the dreaming - a weaver, for short - and he spends his time using his talents to help anyone who'll pay him. While he has no true specialty, preferring just to take whatever odd jobs he's needed for, Saxon is near-unique in the city with his training to dive into instabilities and unravel them, especially since his master passed and his former partner Aesop lost half of himself.

Saxon's local reality tangled with that of himself from an alternate universe during a dream-dive, and now he's a dog sometimes. He's adapted to having a few dog features all the time, for ease of shifting and because he's become used to the heightened senses - and he never did bother to spend the time soul-searching for a true form anyway. He got off a bit easy, in his opinion; his former apprentice, surrogate big brother, and now former partner Aesop was torn apart by a dream and now remains in an entirely catatonic state in his room in Saxon's apartment. Saxon cares for Aesop and investigates any possible way to fix him in what spare time he has.

JP Saxon lives in a little hole-in-the-wall apartment on a quiet, quaint street that he's turned into his office. He sees all manner of people who need the services of an undeclared weaver, be it threadbare wallets, under-the-table services, mundane paperwork, or weird emergencies no specialty weaver is brave enough to take on. He's here to help the people. Jett is one of his clients, looking for what boils down to a permission slip only a weaver can sign, and comes back enough times that the boys hit it off and begin dating. Jett's attention delights Saxon; dreamers often put weavers on an untouchable pedestal of being 'different' and all-knowing with power, and it's a breath of fresh air to just be a person.

Saxon is very peppy and bright, albeit a little forgetful and ditzy. He's sometimes overzealous with his efforts to protect the people, as he feels is his job, and can get in over his head. Despite his heroic stance and tendency to bite off more than he can chew, though, he is still very humble and tries to keep a realistic point of view. He is not a flashy showoff like some weavers and is easy to miss when he enters a room.

Social Connections

Jett - boyfriend
Aesop - former dreamweaver partner, essentially his brother

World Context

Dreamer lore coming soon!

> Average-small height
> Left-handed

> One of those people who goes by his full name most of the time. JP Saxon or Saxon, nobody calls him by just his first name

> Saxon will turn into a dog involuntarily, but can swap between the two forms at will - however, this puts stress on the dreaming, and can sometimes take momentous effort, so he tries not to shift unless he needs to 

||  Favorite Art & Another  ||  Primary Ref  ||  Doggy Form / Full Human Form  ||

Primary Notes
> his ears are anchored where human ears go, not on top of his head
> white pupils that glow!
> the inside of his lower lip is black like a dog
> kinda scraggly tail; it comes out under his shirt and not out of his pants
> claws are black like his tail

> pink toes in dog form
> shortish snoot for a dog (though not squashy, just short)

> solid black plug gauges
> BIG green frames on his glasses. he wears these in both forms but is prone to losing them
> everyday-business or weekend-casual outfits are both good

Other Stuff
> unremarkable in stature. kinda skinny, average height.
> when using powers, the Xs on his shoulders & hips and rings on his wrists & ankles glow
> he has a lot more layers of black than it looks like at first glance! there are 3 different blacks and more grays. im so sorry lol

Saxon is essentially a fix-it man for hire, except he fixes magic! He's usually in good spirits and is a very smiley person. He can be stubbornly forgetful (coughs, ditzy,) and a little lazy sometimes. He tries to keep up his appearance and so on but is usually a little too busy to be as organized and put-together as he wants.
