



  • Female (She/They/It)
  • Comes into the elevator on the Hotel Floor. Can leave on the Infected Apartment floor or the Area 51 floor.
    • She only goes to enter the elevator when the safe room on the Hotel Floor is found. When that happens, she will exit the safe room and go into the elevator.
    • If the elevator IS NOT full before Mallory enters, NPCs in the elevator are fully healed/revived. If the elevator IS full, Mallory will not heal any NPCs and will simply enter the elevator, allowing them to die to make room for her.
  • Very giggly, laughing often in between sentences even when she reallyyy shouldn’t be.
  • Mallory becomes very defensive when she’s asked about what’s underneath her gas mask. Don’t bother.
  • Her gas mask doesn’t seem to be intended to keep her from breathing in the gas from the Hotel Floor and within the gas tanks on her back. Rather, she seems totally fine with breathing it in herself.
  • She’s rather fond of Infected. :)
  • Similarly to how Dr Retro instantly kills MR when she enters the elevator, she will do the same to Mallory.