


5 years, 9 months ago


Name: Bai Yuangwang

Age: 35 years old

Species: Zodian (Representation of the Rooster)

Gender: Cis Female

Profession: Records Keeper basically a librarian

Personality: This woman is a workaholic who finds little time for much of anything. She enjoys being in the spotlight though, so if an occasion presents itself she'll take advantage to show off in some way. Being a woman who prides herself on her confidence and looks sometimes leads to her being rather defensive if she believe she's being talked down to. She prefers to be honest, bluntly so, and expects it to be returned.

History: Bai was an only child and grew up in a small house with her mother and father. The three are actually very close, but you wouldn't know it from how often they fight. Her parents wanted a better life for young Bai so they worked their fingers to the bone to make sure she had a good education and never went without. When Bai finally moved out she was determined to find a way to pay her parents back and ensure they lived out the rest of their days in luxury. 

Reality, however is much crueler than one would assume in early years. Earning money wasn't the hard part, it was earning enough to support both herself and her parents that proved to be nearly impossible. To make her goal into even a remote possibility she applied for a government position as a records keeper. It paid better than other positions she had been in, but required her to move constantly in order to fulfill her obligations and responsibilities to her government. As a result of this, the young woman found herself very isolated whenever off duty, often resorting to heavy drinking in the evening to help her fall asleep at night.





sexist stereotypes
being alone
unwanted advances