alkali's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

QRCHII Global Rules

These are my general terms for owning and using my designs. Only adopts in my Othermart folder are up for offers!! Please read this thoroughly before obtaining or trading away a design of mine, as there is a password!
You may skip to the bottom for my blacklist and (brief) ownership terms.

  1. Do not delete the character. Please add me to an auth list if they are going to be privated.
  2. I do not want any of my designs turned into Closed Species characters.
  3. If a CS (Closed Species) character was voided, I would rather not have them reinstated.
  4. I consider holds very tentatively, but not never. Adopt listings should have a clear statement for how long I am willing to do a hold. Please specify (or estimate) how long you'll need and when you should be able to pay.
  5. Additionally, I allow offers to be made in case a hold doesn't go through. But please keep in mind that I am not guaranteed to accept them. It would be preferred for the money offered to be held onto until I clarify that the holder either went through with payment or backed out (which I will make sure to do as soon as I have the information, don't worry).
  6. No co-owns.
  7. Any character marked as "EO" may not be immediately traded away, they are marked that way because I'm not 100% sure about my use for them.
  9. In the chance that a design of mine is mature locked, do NOT take it off of that filter unless you have made them SFW. Similarly, please do not transfer any kind of suggestive or otherwise NSFW design to someone who is a minor.
  10. In general, please avoid offering my work to people who have me blocked or blacklisted. I'm not like super strict about it but only if it isn't someone on my personal blacklist.

  1. Do not alter the design in any major way that makes it unrecognizable from the original.
  2. Do not "age up" childlike characters to sexualize them. Do not sexualize the childlike characters, period.
  3. Please do not whitewash my designs. Darkening the skin, however, is completely ok!
  4. Additionally, I would rather not have trans features erased from a design (i.e., removing top surgery scars).

  1. I don't mind my designs being used to make antagonistic/"dark" characters, however please do not use them to romanticize, glorify, normalize, or otherwise fetishize any kind of problematic behavior (particularly bigotry, abuse, etc).
  2. I don't mind my designs being used for commercial purposes, as long as visible credit is given.

  1. If you cannot connect with a design I've made, and you cannot/do not want to trade them- I am okay with being sent them back.
  2. Additionally, I don't mind being contacted about said design being put up for offers- I might offer something to take them back if possible.
  3. Do not resell any of my designs for more than they are worth. You cannot sell a character for real world money if you traded for them; however if you spent money on the design, or bought comms, resale is permitted only for what those purchases are worth. Personal art also adds to character worth.
  4. Artwork made with the intent of inflating the value of my designs, intentionally or otherwise, do not count toward the total worth. Free/gift art, including ArtFight pieces, also do not count toward the total.
  5. I do not tolerate any kind of freebie-flipping or trade-foddering being done with my work. Please do not obtain my designs if you intend to turn a profit from them.
  6. I don't mind someone offering on my work with intent to give them as a gift to someone, but please specify it either in the offer or trade history so I know!!
If you got to this point and agree with the below terms, please include "I have been enlightened", or something similar, in your offer on my designs. I will double check to make sure you are aware of the below terms when a transaction occurs.
Edited on Dec 1, 2023;

I am not comfortable with my designs being owned or otherwise used by proshippers/anti-antis.

Additionally, I do NOT want my designs transferred to blacklisted users. I do not want any kind of association with the users in the "personal" category; I have them all blocked and blacklisted for (as the title says) very personal reasons. I am not comfortable publicizing these reasons, however friends may ask to know.

These users are below. Underlined usernames are main/active accounts.
Personal Blacklist:
  • haunthospitals / fauxcats / visclera
  • UmlautFrost / EzioAuditore
  • HISIUANLULLABY / RosenDice / zitherwoe_stigma / reddkunsu
  • GreedsTW / Umbrasole
  • AK-Tastic / blegg / tiddy_sprinklez / banana-groove
  • dreamalgia / tearzah
  • Laurel
  • Mamoruba
TOS Break Blacklist:
  • -

Also, if you're on the personal blacklist, please do not contact me for any reason except maybe to make amends. If I blacklisted you for being a proshipper do not contact me for any reason.