


5 years, 9 months ago


Name: Anna

Age: 21

Gender: Cis Female

Species: Mermaid

Birthday: January 20th

Job: Various 


Anna adores the thrill of adventure and would even ditch work if it meant she could wonder to far off to fun places. She loves to have fun and likes to make people laugh. With bounds of confidence she likes to take charge of a situation. Her personality can lead to inconveniencing others; like getting them lost if she's allowed to lead an adventure or causing more work for others when she decides to leave a project half finished. She's also pretty vain and will stop often to look at herself in a mirror.


+ Getting lost. The road less traveled often has untold adventures waiting

+ Shiny things~ 

+ Small, fluffy things. If it's small and soft, then she'll love it

+ Rain. It fascinates her that water falls from the sky


- Anything bitter

- Thunder and lighting

- Bugs. Big or small they are gross

- Shoes. They constrict her from the feeling of the ground beneath her.


Anna has always had one dream; to see the land's secrets! Caves, mountains, lakes and forests and all fascinating to her. She explored her underwater home for most of her life but when she broke the surface for the first time her heart was filled with curiosity all over again. Life on land was much harder to get used to than she had thought however. Walking on two legs was harder to her than swimming to her surprise and getting things to eat wasn't as simple as just collecting whatever swam by. When it came to earning money for food and housing, she found that working was another adjustment she had to get used to. Although she thought it was unfair that she couldn't just stop whenever she wanted, she did enjoy the things she could buy with her new found currency. She would work at one place or another until she earned enough to travel again.


Height: 5' 7"

Weight: 135 lbs

She actually doesn't like her singing voice. The most she'll do in front of others is hum or whistle