Bennett Mallory



2 months, 6 days ago


It must be your lucky day! You just found yourself a four leaf clover!! You pluck the little plant and tuck it gently into you hair.

You are met with a sharp stinging sensation. The horrible excruciating feeling that something is stabbing through your skull. You find that you can't move. You can't even scream. You're motionless in this field for several hours, everything has become numb at this point, you quickly lose vision in your right eye, your body starts to twitch and move on its own.

It's been years now. You have a new name, a new persionality, a new life. But none of it is yours. It's your body, but everything else belongs to that horrible clover. The worst part of all of this is how much this Thing gets along with others somehow, no one has even a clue that you're trapped in here.