Aegira Atlantis



2 months, 18 days ago


Aegira Atlantis

She/It . The Damned . Urmosa


Aegira Atlantis is a Damned Demon that resides in the fifth ring of Urmosa. As far as the ring goes, she's a pretty infamous name, having quite a few other damned demons under her control. She currently runs a spy network that spreads throughout the whole ring. She always has eyes and ears on what's happening. Always.

Aegira lived in Zaintis for not very long, yet still managed to lead a sinful life. She was enlisted into a gang at a young age and forced to do tasks for them that gradually escalated in severity as she got older. She seemed to get quite a thrill out of this, all until she met one fatal flaw, causing one of the higher-ups to drown her.

When Aegira emerged in hell, she was not welcomed nicely, dumped in the massive ocean that covers half of the fifth ring. Through determination that a lot of demons don't have, she swam all the way to land and was determined to be in control like she wasn't in her life. Through a lot of hard work and bartering, Aegira managed to evolve her empire, having quite a strong hold on the fifth ring, not unlike the gang she was in in her life.


  • She rarely actually resorts to violence with those that work with her. She is not entirerly above it, however.
  • She is very insecure about the number of eyes she has, despite how useful they are.


  • Each of her four arms can move separately of each other
  • The blue part of her tail has the same texture as her horns, a hard, sharp crystalline texture.