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Current tat is about 2 days!! <3

Would love to get one of my boyo looking at the viewer with a devilish/evil grin with blood on his mouth/face if possible
Using paypal to pay!

Perfect, messaging you! <3

hello that open ? ^^

Hi! Yes, they're open! <3

Hoo so cool !!
i can take a slot for my fursona pls ? :) (if you need without mark tell me)

For sure!! I'll message you! <3

are they currently open? ;o;

Yes they are! <3

I'd love to grab one through PayPal! qwq I didn't know you did commissions or that they were so gorgeous! I found you through your adopts!! 

Aaa thank you so much!!! I really do need to get all my commission info sorted out on here 

And awesome!! I'll message you <3