Cutet Cativa



2 months, 23 days ago


Cutet Cativa
  • Gender Male
  • Personality Jolly / Confident
  • Species Cativa
  • Age Over 18
  • Height 1'05
  • Weight 100.0lbs
  • Residence Desolate Church
  • Occupation Painter and Fighter
  • Name
  • Age
  • Gender

"The my own personal canvas! I'll paint my path!"

Cutet Cativa is a Pal from the Palworld Universe who drives on painting the world in many colors! From childhood to adulthood, this perky Cativa has always been into creating artwork.

His story is rather simple; he wants to live as high class as he possibly can, getting a good paying job, getting a good loving wife, getting a shelter for himself...MAYBE have some kids, etc etc. Just a normal everyday life, right?

Well, as the old saying goes; work until exhaustion when you're young. (I think that's what they say?) This Cativa ends up getting caught by humans, and put into a chainline of work alongside other various Pals of many shapes and sizes...and while some may see that being enslaved is a bad thing, he sees it as a positive starting point to his brand new life.

As he ends up meeting and befriending other Pals, he takes this negative encounter and turns it into a positive one; trying out new foods, talking to new Pals, going on new adventures, and a lot more than anyone can think of for the 'slave-life'.

In a way, he ended up getting everything he's ever wanted! A new place, lots of good food, a roof over his pretty little head...MAYBE he needs to work on getting a girlfriend or changing his approach to doing so a bit better, but...that'll come in due time, as long as he never gives up!


  • Eating a lot, with his favorite food being Pancakes.
  • His job being an artist who paints the world around him.
  • Whacking bad people or Pals alike with his trust paintbrush.
  • Women that he finds hot. (aka but not limited to lovanders)


  • Working at times that are inconvient to him.
  • Incomplete or half-done projects.
  • Clip Studio Paint crashing on him like wh
  • Vegetables. Yuck.


His design is a mix of a Mob Rat from Mad Rat Dead + Wario from Super Mario + Cativa from Palworld.