


2 months, 7 days ago


"Jason" (they don't have a real name, but that's what their nametag says) is a sentient hygrodere! After seeing so many employees come in and out of work, they wanted to try getting in on some of the fun too! They simply fitted themselves into a suit from a less fortunate employee and started acting as if they belonged the whole time. And ever since they started being like a human, they just became very interested in human life as a whole! A very curious critter who just wants to know what it's like to be human... They really want to be a human, they really really do! So they act the part and always try to do as the fellow humans do. They like to ask questions, poke around, observe and learn social cues... Always wants to know more and wants to be as human-y as possible through any means. Tends to offend others by not understanding basic human social cues or normalcy, but they'll get better at that over time. Never means any harm, but is known to cause it on accident.
