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User Content Warning

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ok Hi im choosing to fix / change this for the 900th time

no dni (minus the basic stuff) anymore but i block liberally

just be kind and patient and we'll have a good time

just a bee why eff (byf)

i post potentially triggering content (art with gore, weapons, etc.). i try to warn what i can. i don't usually censor smoking, bugs, or swearing.

ocs with bright colors may or may not be warned!! if the icon seems super bright i'd be careful looking thru the images

i do not agree with all of my OCs actions and i dont endorse everything my OCs do. they are fictional. got it got it?

all of my nsfw is behind an explicit warning. i know ppl online lie about their age all the time anyway so if you're under 18/not an adult don't look plz :-(

some of my interests may be deemed problematic, just so you know i will NEVER stand with bigots or abusers, regardless of the content i consume. 

ok have fun ^_^

nsfw particular warnings cause ive seen people have discourse takes on stuff and i want people to know where i am so they aren't uncomfortable. i prefer people under 18 don't look but i can't really control if u do, just don't start shit with me over it especiallly if you're under 18.

kink/fetish nsfw may be posted below characters, still under an explicit tag and warned with what's involved. if you're against any form of kink or fetish or uncomfortable with it, it's best you check warning before clicking

any nsfw that could be cause for alarm is purely roleplay/fictional between consenting adults.

i do draw animal genetalia on anthropromorphic characters. if you call me a zoophile for it it is an autoblock. i'll never stand for abuse. don't lump me in with people who hurt and abuse animals please and thank u

Character Content Warning

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brightly colored beaft

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