


2 months, 16 days ago





Full Name: Soren Helmond

Nicknames: Ren

Gender & Pronouns: Male, he/him

Sexuality: Pansexual

Age: 23

Birthday: July 29

Race/Species: Siren

Occupation: Fort guard


Alignment: Lawful Good

Likes: Preening, shinies

Dislikes: Unsolicited touching (like petting wings), being dirty


Height: 5'7

Weight: 120 lbs

Description: Soren has a lean frame on the somewhat shorter side. Where his skin shows, it is a pale tone, contrasting with dark growth feathers that cover his neck, limbs, and back, growing sparser near his chest. Soren's hands and feet are clawed and scaled like those of a bird, usually shaved down to fit within gloves and shoes. The hair on his head matches the shade of his feathers, the two blending in with each other around his neck. Soren has two large wings along with his arms, and a feathery tail to help with balance and turning while in the air. Soren has sharp facial features, with a pointed nose, thin eyebrows, and piercing eyes that are a reddish hue. His teeth are sharp.


Attire: Uniform is of mostly leather in order to keep mostly light when flying. When Soren isn't wearing his guard uniform, Soren usually wears loose-fitting garb. He almost always wears scarves and thick gloves. 

Weapons: Carries around a longbow and quiver.


Hymn (friend): “A troubled soul, but he's trying to be a better person."


Has gained a bad habit of plucking feathers when he is stressed. In his worst moments, it can lead to patchy spots on his arms and neck.