Morgan Gold (WIP)





【 Name 】Morgan Rumbelle Gold
【 Called 】Morgan/Morg
【 Age 】14
【 D.o.B. 】April 14th
【 Gender 】Female【 Orientation 】Asexual
【 Height 】5'2"【 Build 】Short, Skinny
【 Origin 】Enchanted Forest【 Ethnicity 】German/American/E.F.
【 Role 】Sorceress, Daughter【 Alignment 】Her family/Villain
【 Status 】Alive 【 Theme 】Perfect Illusion - Lady Gaga

Bio still in progress - Meet Morgan Gold! She is the daughter of my main characters, Samantha Woodhull and Rumplestiltskin. Unfortunately, Morgan is very sickly and terminally ill, for she has problems breathing and with her lungs but she is also very powerful and often shares the same dark views as her father.

Both her and her father have the same birthday, April 14th and her middle name is after her father, though he was reluctant to name her after him. That was actually Woodhull's idea and she eventually got her way after much prompting. Morgan loves and takes pride in her name. Furthermore, Morgan shares a strong relationship with her parents, particularly with her father. Despite everlasting love, in her homeland, the Enchanted Forest, Morgan received much backlash over the fact that her father is Rumplestiltskin, The Dark One. It often got very brutal at times but she didn't let it get to her. She is a very strong, young sorceress who takes care of business and is caring, loving and very intelligent. Though she is associated cowardliness in the Enchanted Forest, she is rather brave and willing to take chances, for the right person of course. Other times, she is very cautious and smart about everything she does, often seeming cold while doing so. While in Neverland, Morgan came across (unbeknownst to her), her grandfather. She didn't know much about him except that he abandoned her father, her mother despised him and that after he abandoned Rumple, he changed his name to Rumple's favorite little doll that he had dropped while being whisked away by the shadow, a name she did not know until they met face to face, Peter Pan. Then very callously, 

Much of her reason is because, with her illness, she doesn't have much to lose.


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