Naomi Flores



2 months, 1 day ago



Name Naomi Flores
Sexuality Pansexual, aro/acespec
Age 25
Gender (She/any) intersex transfem
Race Latino
Occupation Advertisment manager, influencer
Demeanor Airheaded, loyal, thoughtful


  • Online video games
  • Animals
  • Social media
  • Shopping & partying


  • Public restrooms
  • Bugs
  • Minimalism
  • Cold weather


Naomi is Prisim Ink’s advertisement manager. With the company being relatively small, she’s the only person within this aspect of the business. Despite a seemingly heavy load of work, she makes it look easy. New clients constantly come in after the latest viral post, or easy layout of their website- keeping everything trendy and easy for customers. Naomi doesn’t come into work as often as the rest, but she’s constantly keeping up with the other employees & making group plans for hangouts after work. They all probably see her more outside of work rather than in the store. Naomi, despite her outgoing nature & over the top fashion sense, is the most relaxed and chilled person in the group (besides Nicolai) she loves listening in on the most recent drama, while giving genuine & honest advice. If she wasn’t in the business, she’d definitely be a life coach of some sort. When he’s not working or partying AFTER work, he’s at his lofty penthouse, playing online video games on Twitch, or doing dramatic looks to post on social media. With her skills in advertisement & general managing, Naomi could easily work at a better known company, or for an A-lister celebrity- but she chooses Prism for a more… sentimental reason.

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