Lady Firefly




Lady Firefly, the owner of the Floating celestial island and is well known all over the planet

Basic bio

  • Nickname : [Everyone calls her Lady Firefly]
  • Pronouns : She/They
  • Race : Celestian / Angel
  • Age : ???
  • Height : 190cm.
  • Occupation : Famous singer
  • Likes : Singing, helping people , gambling , family
  • Dislikes : people who don't see value in families


About Lady Firefly

Lady firefly is most famous singer on Caellus-IV. People across the planet looks up to her and respects her.

People of Caellus-IV would do anything to get the chance to go to Celestia Floating island to see her concert. But the floating island is unable to hold on to everyone on the entire planet and because of this, billboards were built all over the planet to show her live performance for those who are unable to make it to the live concert themselves. Every Lady Firefly's concert is considered as a global holiday

Lady Firefly has collaborated with a lot of companies including fast food chains, beauty product , snacks , drinks etc. She never says no to any collaboration. 

Lady firefly also owns a research company called ██████ ████████ ████████ Where they would do █████ on ███ and █████ to ██████████████ ████████ ██████ ████████ ██████████████ ████████ █████████████ ██████████████ █████ ██████████████ ████ ██████