


2 months, 5 days ago


Rhealyn | Lyn
Class: Mage

One of Seteth and Byleth's twins.

Lyn has always been an overwhelmingly outgoing, mild, and friendly person who puts a lot of stock into maintaining her relationships. She will stop at nothing to help people achieve their goals and is up and ready to help when a problem strikes. She is, however, mischievous; she loves frogs and frequently brought them inside as a kid, loves to prank her brother, teases her closest friends, and will often turn up conveniently with a recently missing item.

As a child, Lyn was quite a menace. She would lead her brother into all kinds of shenanigans that would then need to be cleaned up by her parents. She didn't quite understand that she couldn't do everything she wanted to do with no reprecaution. She is the reason her brother got hurt and lost his love of wyverns and the reason Flayn got badly burned when trying to learn magic. She has since mellowed out and claims she had want for nothing, enjoying her time growing up in Garreg Mach. Most days she spends her free time in the meadows or busying herself in studies.

Lyn had almost no interest in learning any fighting outside of magic. She dabbles in healing but primarily works with spells like fire and thoron. Felix eventually buckled to her begging to learn how to use a sword on one of his visits, and though she isn't great, she's far from being a simple novice.

Desperate to learn about her heritage. Lyn has been told numerous times that her parents will tell her one day, but neither opted to tell them Flayn was their sister until they were fifteen. Lyn harbors a small grudge, preferring to just drop the conversations and snoop in her own time.