Jinx Fortune



1 month, 20 days ago



'Childhood was lonely. It wasn't that the other kids were mean, that my parents mistreated me - no, they were just so boring. I had so many worlds inside my head, stories of dragons and knights, trickster fauns in the feywilds, even beholders; but all anyone cared about was 'go to school, play tag, be obediant and normal'. But my stories were so much better.

I drew them all, wrote them down with crayons, anything to get other people to see how amazing the world could be. But while my teachers and parents seemed to appreciate my work, that's all they thought it was - stories, drawings, nothing real. Just an imaginative kid. 

But they were wrong. One of my stories was real.

Or at least, that's what the unicorn told me...'

As he grew, his friendship with the unicorn grew with him. His devotion created a bond, an oath nothing could break - to be as divine as his best friend. As he grew, he also found it harder and harder not to believe everyone else, that his stories weren't real, that his best friend wasn't real. As a teenager, he stopped talking about it, the kids cruelty forcing him to hide his love. But he kept writing, he kept drawing, even as the creatures in his mind grew further and further - including the unicorn.

Eventually, he couldn't even remember the last time he'd seen it. But even if it had just been in his imagination he'd keep his oath, in the hopes that one day it would become real.