


1 month, 29 days ago


He / Him Trans Man
Blasian ( Jamaican + Japanese ) Ghoul
Doctor ( Mutant and Ghoul specialist )
N / A


NERDY • Positive • friendly • cowardly

Ozias is a very nerdy and awkward ghoul. He loves talking about all things that he finds interesting and usually speaks his mind about just about anything. If he has a fact or information about something, he won't hesitate to say everything he knows. He may come off as a "know it all" but really he just thinks he's doing everyone a favor and likes to share knowledge.

 During his time in the wasteland, he noticed that no one seemed to care about or treat people like him and other mutants, so he made it his duty to help take care of any outsiders that can't find treatment from anyone else. He likes being around a wide variety of different people and finds the beauty in the grotesque and strange. He has often felt like he doesn't belong anywhere so he likes to make people feel welcome and seen.

 Ozias struggles a lot with imposter syndrome when it comes to being a doctor and feels like he's never doing enough or never knows enough or never helps enough people. he always feels like he could be doing better. He doesn't feel like he deserves to be a doctor, but he continues anyways because he feels like he's the only one helping out the ones no one else will help


  • Traveling
  • Biology
  • Sweet Rolls
  • Energy Weapons


  • Alcohol
  • Closed minded people
  • Enclave
  • Cold Weather


Ozias was born in the small town of Klamath. Both of Ozias' parents died due to a raider attack at a very young age, and has no memories of them or what they looked like. Ozias was then raised by the people of the town he was born in, everyone sharing duties. He was like everyone's kid. Ozias grew up helping the people of Klamath with their Gecko hunt and sometimes went on caravan trips with them, selling their gecko pelts to other neighboring towns.

At the young age of 18, Ozias decided that he wanted to explore other parts of Califfornia. Though he was raised hunting Geckos, he didn't enjoy it as something to do for the rest of his life. Ozias had found an interest in becoming a doctor, often helping the people of Klamath who were attacked by Geckos, and enjoyed helping people. He wanted to travel and gain more knowledge.

when he was about 20, Ozias finally reached the Caravan town, The Hub. Ozias eventually settled in The Hub and offered his medical skills to the caravans of The Hub. After awhile, Ozias was eventually hired by Harold's caravan group, making him the second doctor on their team. Ozias was hired due to the constant Super Mutant attacks Harold's caravans kept getting into, causing a lot of his people and guards to become injured and one doctor wasn't enough. Ozias ended up becoming good friends with Harold and the other doctor, Richard grey.

After a few years, Harold and Richard decided to find the source of the Super Mutant attacks. Ozias, being young and scared, decided that he did not want to go. Ozias sent them off with all of his stimpacks and medical supplies in hopes that it made up for his cowardice. Ozias felt guilty for not following his friends, and told them he'd make up for it once they returned.

When they did not return after a few days, Ozias became concerned and went out to look for them. Ozias had no idea where they had gone, but knew that they went north, and that's where he headed. Ozias spent the next few years heading up north looking for his friends, eventually becoming so irradiated that he turned into a ghoul. Eventually he reached his hometown of Klamath, with still no signs of his friends. Ozias was distraught, and decided to stay in Klamath once again after traveling for a few years. Though these were the people that raised him, they wanted nothing to do with him due to his ghoulification.

Ozias lived by himself right outside of town for a little while, finally starting his gender transition, which he had made himself using his scientific knowledge and altercations of radiation. 

Once Ozias felt stable again, he decided to head back to The Hub, he missed doing caravans and wanted to get back into it. During his travels back down to Southern California, he came across multiple ghouls who had needed medical assistence, but had no one else that would treat them. Ozias decided that he'd make it his duty to specifically help those who had nowhere else to go. He understood them completely, as even the people who raised him wanted nothing to do with him. 

In between Junktown and The Hub, Ozias had stepped on a mine, blowing off half of his body, but somehow he did not die, possibly because it was a radioactive explosion, and because of his ghoulification, it just barely kept him alive. Eventually caravaners from The Hub found him and brought him back to The Hub. Ozias then went under intensive treatment, having his half of his body rebuilt into metal. Ozias' treatment was eventually passed onto no other than Harold, who had not disappeared, but eventually came back to The Hub soon after Ozias had left, but as a mutant and his appearance had completely changed.

For the first few months of Ozias' healing process, he could not talk because of the metal jaw that he had gained, and he could not move the metal half of his body as his nerves had not gotten used to it yet. Harold did not recognize Ozias at all, since he had gone through 3 different changes since they had last seen each other. Though for Ozias, the first time he woke up and heard Harold's talk, he recognized his old friends voice immediately. 

Though Ozias could not talk nor move most of his body, He showed his excitement of being reunited with his old friend again in his own way. During the first few months of Ozias' healing process, he communicated by writing while he learned how to use his jaw again. Harold and Ozias had found out that they passed on Ozias' treatment onto Harold completely, because they wanted nothing to do with a ghoul. Harold took it upon himself to help Ozias learn how to reuse his limbs and jaw, and also paying close attention to how his body was dealing with the connection between his skin and the metal.

Harold and Ozias stayed in The Hub for the next few years, until eventually they both moved on in the year 2162, where they moved to the town of Gecko up north. Harold eventually became the mayor of a town of ghouls, and Ozias was his right hand man to help him with the insane amount of Paperwork that he had to deal with. 

When Harold eventually gained his friend Bob, who was a tree that had grown on top of Harold's head, Ozias used his knowledge of treating ghouls and mutants to keep Bob from outgrowing and taking over Harold's body. Ozias spent a lot of time helping Harold deal with the ghouls they lived with, along with the relationship they had with the town of Broken Hills.

During multiple decades of Harold's treatment of Bob, Ozias eventually came to the conclusion that the best outcome would be to remove Bob comepletely. Ozias spent years figuring out a tactic to remove Bob from Harold's head without killing them both. Though this was the best outcome, Harold had grown an attachement to his friend. He was very upset that he would have to get rid of him, and removing Bob would result in all communication between him and Bob cut.

After removing Bob, Ozias and Harold planted him near their home, where he could keep continuing to grow. Though their contact had been cut, both Ozias and Harold spent a lot of time sitting outside with Bob, where they talked to him just like they had before. Though they would never hear an answer from their friend again, they knew that he was still there somewhere, and kept good care of him.


• Scars all around the metal

• Always wears a glove on his metal hand

• Spots of lost skin are inconsistent, except for the one from his nose to his top lip, and the one on the right side of his face.

• Has small eyes


• Metal is actually quite warm, especially the parts on his chest and torso, his organs keeping them warm.

• Drinks all liquids with a straw to prevent it from leaking out where he doesn't have cheeks.

• Sleeps with patches on his lost cheeks to prevent drooling.

• Partially colorblind due to his cybernetic eye

• Also deaf on cybernetic side

• Mainly uses a laser pistol

• Walks with a limp


image.png?ex=665501ad&is=6653b02d&hm=f72Harold | Partner

Harold and Ozias met after Harold's caravan group hired Ozias as an extra doctor. Harold and Ozias were good friends, but they truly got close after reuniting after Ozias had stepped on a mine and lost half of his body. Harold and Ozias truly have a unique bond, both had gone through intense changes that makes them completely unrecognizable from their original selves, but find beauty in each other. Only the two of them can really understand each other.

image.png?ex=6655021a&is=6653b09a&hm=9c5The Master ( Richard Grey ) | Ex Friend

Ozias' old friend from Harold's caravan gang. They often talked about scientific things and different medical or scientific theories they had. Ozias is not aware of how his friend turned out and what he had become.

image.png?ex=66550265&is=6653b0e5&hm=e96Seoktae Byun | Friend

Ozias and Seoktae met during Seoktae's visit to The Hub in 2161, while Seoktae was looking for a water chip for his vault. Seoktae immediately stood out to Ozias since he had been nothing but kind to Harold.

image.png?ex=665502c4&is=6653b144&hm=428Bob | Friend

The tree that became attached to Harold's head. Bob and Ozias often had friendly and sarcastic banter with each other. Harold had to tell Ozias all of Bob's responses, which Ozias found a lot of humor in, because a lot of the things Bob said were actually quite mean... in a joking manner, of course.

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