Macabre Sombershade



3 months, 2 days ago


Macabre Sombershade is a pale-skinned Undead Sindorei with bright red eyes and long, dark black hair. The only thing Macabre remembers from before her death is that she was a Ranger in defense of Quel'thalas but fell during Arthas's attack on Silvermoon, which formed the Dead Scar. She has a long stitch along the circumference of her neck, a reminder of how she died--her head being separated from her soldiers, courtesy of a skeleton warrior of the Scourge, in one clean sweep. Her dogtags from her life as a Ranger were never found, so when she was raised in service of the Forsaken, she took on a new name and swore herself to protecting their place on Azeroth, as she was now Undead, too. A defector during Sylvanas's attack on Teldrassil during the War of Thorns, Macabre holds staunch beliefs on what the Forsaken can and should be and picks her allegiances carefully, but will always consider herself more Forsaken now than Sindorei, and has since sworn her servitude as a Dark Ranger.