Violet Sakura's Comments

Not in the position to offer money, but I can offer art! I can offer a fullbody for the little guy, where's some examples of my art!

It's been a week with no other offers so I'm gonna go ahead and accept! :>

Do you think you could draw someone from here? Since it seems like you mostly draw humanoids I figured I'd let you pick since they're mostly anthro or feral ocs ^^

Sorry for taking so long to respond! Finals week and all that x_x Would it be alright if I drew Foss for this?

That's totally alright dw bout it! ^^

And yeah! Foss would be great! :D

Sent an image over! Let me know if there's anything I should fix <3

(I'm also really sorry about how long this took, life has been a struggle T_T)

It's perfect! :D I love it sm!! Thank you! <3

I'll send the lil hatchling your way! ^^