Luscious / Luci



5 years, 9 months ago


Not quite Hades*, but not your average demonkin either.

*He wishes he was, though. (It's complicated.)

Design/Character Notes:

  • He once was is the second most highest ranking demon - power-wise, at least - in the darkened afterlife/"Hell".
  • He typically chooses to appear peaceful and/or docile; though his appearance can shift/differ whenever he's agitated or angry (or feels as if he needs to prove a point/ignite fear in another being).
  • He is rather manipulative, and will often act loyal/(and/or) kind in order to gain one's (both immediate and lasting) trust. On the contrary, it is rather hard to gain Luci's own trust, as he personally perceives a gaining of trust as nothing more than a "mere advantage" for one's potential foes.
  • As presumable via his ranking, he [ Luci ] is rather skilled in combat, and carries a powerful ability - a touch of death* - as well.

*Upon removing his power restraining skull/"mask"**, Luci can unleash his full power; which wills him to enable "death's touch" - a passive that allows him to strip away the manifestation of one's body from the soul. (He can basically nearly "destroy" anything his unmasked self touches; ie putting objects into (eventual) limbo.)

**The mask was forced upon him after he posed a potential "risk factor"/outbreak - or as he dubs it "the day I (failed to) overruled hellscape".