John (Johan) Howllet



5 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Johan Howllet



Blood type:

O positive






Mercenary / thief


Short description: 

Johan, commonly known by John, is an expert on stealing objects, documents and information - some for use as blackmail. Whatever you need, he can get it. He has connection on the black market, underground and with other small thieves, although he isn't a member of any "society". He moves fast, using the rooftops or sewers to avoid detection and for being easy routes. He prefers a non-lethal stealthy approach and may create distractions if needed.

John has... luck in his veins. He has been close to death a few times already and was caught by other criminals/mob. He's in the FBI most wanted list – accused for stealing important documents from the government. And a pen from the chief of the organization.

Physical description: Caucasian, small body structure, long legs. Blue eyes, brown hair, thin beard. He has scars over his arms and legs, a long scar on the top of his head (left side, bullet wound) and one over his neck. A piercing on his right eyebrow. Calm voice. He has tattooson on his right arm and back, with the consistency of being rough and golden.

Mental/Emotional state: John is a calm creature who likes solitude. A bit sarcastic, with smart commentaries and curiosity, he can be easygoing. He knows his limits and to say 'no' if he's not capable of a job. He blames himself for unsuccessful missions. He has a bad habit of drinking (a lot) when upset.

Past (still under construction):

John is from a poor family. Violent father, absent mother, four brothers (he's in the middle). He spent a lot of time with his uncle who was a criminal and showed him how to be a thief. He made his way to the top along the years.

He has been caught by the police when he was 12 for robbery, at 19 by mercenaries for stealing equipment, at 35 by the Russian mob and at 42 by an ambush – there was a price on his head. 


He works with Marcus Simmons and Andrey Miller.

Fandom base: Team Fortress Classic / Team Fortress 2.