Andrey "Fox" Miller



2 years, 8 hours ago

Basic Info


Andrey Miller


Andy / Fox


45 years

Blood type:

B positive






Drug dealer


Short description: 

Andrey is made of pure chaotic energy. He's friendly, charismatic and has a high potential to be an annoyance to everyone around him. He pushes people to the edge and manipulates with kindness without honesty. He controls his way around by talking, flirting and making deals, being adorable or valuable to others. He's good at getting information by playing dumb or innocent. His good acts aren't for free. He always wants something back even though he doesn't know what right away. 

If there's no easy way to solve a problem, he'll use violence - punching someone to burning someone alive. If cornered with no way out, he becomes feral. 

You either want to fuck him or kill him.

Physical description: Caucasian, skinny, red hair and green eyes. Both nipples are pierced (white gold + emeralds). He moves fast and has strong legs from running. He has a fragile look that gives the impression he can be easily broken.  

 Mental/Emotional state: is a complete mess. He hides his feelings deep down and acts like nothing gets to him or it doesn't have importance when he's around people. He plays the cheerful / annoying type of guy but inside is a mix of sadness, incomprehension and loneliness. When he can't deal with his own emotions, he goes for destruction or use of drugs. 

Past (still under construction):

Andrey is an orphan. He was given to the catholic institution when he was 15 months old. He never met his parents or looked out for them. He was raised under a religious system, becoming a rebel at a young age by practicing sins and not following the catholic rules. He summoned Satan when he was 6 years old and offered him his favorite candy trying to befriend Him. 

He stayed with three temporary families, suffering from different types of mistreatment and going back to the orphanage. He left the system at 18 years old. He tried to have a normal job/life but some of the influences dragged him to sell drugs. From there he started to make his way as a drug dealer called "Fox", building a web of connections, killing people on his way and getting himself in trouble.

He was arrested for drug trafficking after a set up and stayed in prison for almost a year waiting for trial. Before he went to court, the evidence was burned down along with other processes and they couldn't prove his involvement. 

After being released, he moved to another state and started to sell drugs again.


Nightclub Sinnammon - Alternative Universe.

He setted up a nightclub in what used to be a building for wine production, located in a old territory of factories, near by the port. It covers a drug / gun / organ traffic of the area, being a passage for negotiation or dispatch. It has a diversified agenda, with special shows, themed nights and drink/smoke competitions. 

He's responsible for part of the drug selling of the region. 

Marcus Simmons is his personal bodyguard. John Howllet is a professional thief that works as a bartender. And a misterious woman called Marianne (@k_isterich) that makes special shows at the club.


TFC / TF2 Universe:

Andrey enjoined the BLU (Builders League United) to escape from the mexican cartel for getting their drugs (evidence) burned down. He become hard to be tracked and somehow protected by the company. He participated the riot that Marcus Simmons caused, escaping along with him and other members - he used this opportunity to fake his own death.  


He works with John Howllet and Marcus Simmons 

Fandom base: Team Fortress Classic / Team Fortress 2.