


2 months, 11 days ago


Gender: M
Age: Physical, ~400; Mental, 32
Ht: 2'6"
Wt: 30 lbs
DOB: Nov 29
Orientation: Aro/Ace
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: N/A
Speciality: Magic
Voiceclaim: None yet

Kobo is a misfit among misfits: he's a Trollan with very little natural magic, just enough to keep him alive and healthy. As such, he has a certain distaste for those who rely solely on magic and prioritizes resourcefulness and cunning above all else. He's an engineering whiz, putting his small stature to use in creating masterfully detailed automatons. His personal proudest creation is a suit constructed from a stolen set of Eternian Royal Guard armor, which he can pilot from the inside similar to a mech. He's an acquaintence of Mira, who asked him to come with her to Eternia to help her investigate, acting as an "inside man" at the palace. He forgoes the traditional hat and scarf in favor of a helmet both for the utilitarian need to protect his head but also in rejection of the expectations of his magic abilities.

Kobo is stubborn and often cranky, but is technically brilliant, a quick thinker, and very loyal to the few he deigns to care about. While initially being just professional, he eventually becomes close friends with Mira.