
2 months, 22 days ago


mademoiselle modiste of the kepradite court and incredibly resentful individual

  • Kepradite fashionista chosen by the Conquistador to join him+his court in Haal, a longstanding designer for the royal family. Well used to the underhand politics of the court and the inane mannerisms passing as politeness
  • Still tries to maintain her anonymity despite her closeness to the royal family, prefers just lurking around her own room over any social event where she may sight her own pieces on people she despises. A lot of restless pacing and caged frustration, deeply unsatisfied with her life yet does not know the first place to start to change it
  • Her shit coming to a head when made to witness the violence of Keprad and the nonchalance of the people heading it in the face of the months long invasion of Haal, unable to cope with the sudden+undeniable realization that she has spent her entire life in service of a deeply cruel kingdom (had known LOGICALLY that Keprad already had a history of colonization and conquership, was always more content to dismiss that as history passed by in order to keep living her comfortable life though) and is passively aiding the death of a country (occasional confidante of the royal family after becoming such a familiar face, will act as a middleman when she sees nobody else stepping in to do so during court disputes) in order to maintain her own standard of living. Has a severe on the clock breakdown in front of the royal court a few days before Haal calls for surrender, is then taken into medical custody that evening
  • Is held for observation over the course of the following week as terms of complete surrender are negotiated, evaluated by the Kepradite therapist who had come down from the mainland a month ago following the youngest Blood-Alcohol Automaton's own violent breakdown. Therapist comes to the conclusion that Marie's breakdown was caused by overworking and orders her to 'take advantage of the newly brokered peace' and take a vacation at a still intact inn to set her mind right and become ready to return to work. A very blatant weaponization of mental healthcare to silence dissidence and punish '''improper behavior''', and one that Marie recognizes even in her state due to seeing it happen in Keprad many a time before
  • Marie goes through a few weeks of this miserable '''vacation''' full of self-flagellation without ACTUAL action (bemoaning the part she has played in Haal's conquership while still refusing to DO anything, etc etc) and dread over her eventual+inevitable return to the court before Mary finds her and talks her into joining up with him to kill her boss
  • Utilizes catty dismissal and an abrasive to shut down any uncomfortable confrontations before they start, NEEDS to be in control of all conversation or she will get incredibly reactive+defensive. Still looks to some form of Grand Leadership despite this, a sort of moderator above typical interaction against which Marie can base all of her own actions off of (ie the Conquistador of Keprad acting as an overseer of the court, leaving Marie sure in siding with his decisions and free to shut down any more personal conversation anyone may engage her in. If that makes sense)
  • Will typically digs her claws in and fight to the bitter end to defend her opinions, very quickly turning to personal attacks and petty insults if she recognizes the shaky grounds of her own beliefs. An incredibly difficult affair for her to accept that any belief she has held was wrong because of just how much of herself she stakes personally in them (a reason why she turns to personal attacks- believes other people are just as personally invested in their own countries+beliefs)
  • Was always on the lookout for people playing the more dirty side of courtroom politics (poisoning, bribery, attempted harm, etc etc), though less willing to engage herself despite having the supplies necessary. Made a habit of keeping up a constant watch around her and is shocked to find just how difficult it is to let her guard down outside of the court
  • Unwilling to take personal steps to right the wrongs she has supported+has personally partaken in. Wants instead for a singular, no strings attached redemption so she can stop feeling so shitty and guilty all of the time. Constantly at Mijaal's throat because of this, too ashamed to look her in the eyes yet nearly desperate enough for her act as this redeemer