tbn's Comments

I'm interested in this adopt and the one linked below


Does anyone in these folders interest you for either?



If nothing interests you in those folders, I could offer a fullbody for each adopt!

hey denim! i would love to do an art trade with you for the other adopt you posted, this one: https://toyhou.se/25819860.adopt-25-or-best-offer

would you be okay with drawing this character: https://toyhou.se/1289990.evanore/gallery#19594547

i dont recall if youve drawn her before ^w^ but let me know!

awesome, thank you very much! I'd be happy to draw her, she's super cute! I'll send updates over on discord, I should have a sketch to you by early next week, thank you again! 

awesome! ill put the adopt as pending ^w^ no rush at all denim thank you so much


Hi there! I just want to say your designs are sooooo fun and lovely !!!!! Would you consider a chibi art trade for this one? Here are some examples of my chibis - https://sta.sh/2dwy7wp41wl?edit=1

No worries if it's a no!!! Hope you're having a nice day ^^

hey there! sorry for the late reply but i would love a chibi trade if youre still up for it, your art is so so cute <3

would you be okay to draw my fursona: https://toyhou.se/4392220.zezo/gallery#51078504

let me know ^w^


Oh yay !!!!!!!! I'm so excited thank you!! <33 I'd love to draw your sona! Did you have any preferences for pose/theme?

i dont have any preferences! hes a happy vampire with rosey thorn powers if that helps any, you can just have fun with the little guy x3

thank you so much i will put this character as pending for you