Basic Info

Full name :

Sunniva Te'ara of Hyrule

Nicknames :

Sunni', Sunflower

Birthday :

January 1st

Gender :


Age :

22 years old (years after the Imprisoning War)

Height :


Race :

Zonai-Hyrulean (Hylian) Hybrid

Title :

Princess, Royal Advisor to the Queen

Powers :

Time & Light. She is more atuned to her Time powers, but can use her Light powers proficiently. Can create weapons of Light that she can use in combat (chakrams, shields, or swords/scimitars).

Weapon of choice :

Chakrams, she also dual-wields scimitars and swords

Main skills / talents :

Trained dancer, singer, musician (erhu), formidable warrior, good cook and baker

Main positive traits :

Empathetic, compassionate, kind, gentle, mild-tempered, soft-spoken, curious, great judge of character

Main negative traits :

Slightly naive, overthinker, isolated and/or recluse, slightly sheltered

Likes :

Salty food, horses, dogs, flowers, exploring and going out on adventures, singing, dancing and training to hone her skills as a warrior

Dislikes :

Confrontation, conflict, bitter foods, seeing others get hurt


– History –

Princess Sunniva Te'ara of Hyrule was born to parents King Rauru and Queen Sonia, about two years before the Imprisoning War. She is the youngest of two daughters, the eldest being princess Solis. Though she did get to spend some time with them, she barely remembers their parents at all, for the sole reason that she was still a baby when Sonia was killed, and Rauru sacrificed himself to save the world from Ganondorf's rage and desire to conquer. She keeps certain memories of the two, however, these memories are extremely vague. Sunniva simply cannot remember their faces.

Following the events of the Imprisoning War, she was raised by members of her parents' court and was made to obey strict rules. Curfew, etiquette, weapons training, dance training, singing lessons, music lessons... She was even forbidden to leave castle grounds without supervision, and was also training to become interim queen in the event that her sister Solis cannot take the throne when she comes of age. Her childhood and most of her teenage years were spent with her nose being shoved in books, and being under constant supervision by the courtiers that raised her. And she despised every second of it.

Most days, she would wonder where her sister was, or why she was always so quiet whenever the two crossed paths. She never dared to ask her directly, but certain members of the royal court have clued her in to the fact that Solis has been traumatized by the sudden passing of their mother, father, and aunt. Sunniva couldn't possibly understand such trauma, as she was barely affected by their parents and aunt's deaths : she was but a baby, after all, and she barely knew or remembered them. Their deaths simply caused Sunniva to wish she had known them, and to become somewhat jealous of the fact that her sister did get to know Sonia and Rauru.

As an adult, Sunniva has begun breaking the chains that hold her back in life. She has begun practicing the art of putting her foot down when necessary or when she wants something, to rebel against those who try to keep her in line and under control. She has become more assertive, curious, and her desire to explore the kingdom and discover all its secrets only grows day by day. She hopes that, when her sister takes the throne in their parents' stead, that she will be able to go and explore, so that she may learn all that she needs to become a great advisor to her.

– Abilities –

In addition to being a trained dancer, singer, musician, and warrior, princess Sunniva has been blessed with powers from both her parents. She can therefore control Light and Time. However, she is much more atuned to her powers over Time. This does not mean she cannot use her Light powers properly.

– Time –

  • Recall : Sunniva can cast Recall on any object, and can rewind time for targeted object up to two minutes.
  • Freeze : Sunniva can cast Freeze to stop the flow of time on any one object or person at a time, as long as she can remain concentrated and uninterrupted. She must maintain eye contact with said object or person in order to maintain the spell.
  • Time Loop : Her most difficult spell to maintain. It allows her to create a time loop where everything resets back to a certain point in time after a certain amount of time has passed. She must insert herself into the time loop in order to maintain it, and the loop can only reset a certain amount of times before dissipating and Time returning to its normal flow. The number of times the loop can reset is determined by the duration of the loop : the longer the loop, the less iterations of it there can be (for example, a loop of about an hour can reset up to 10 times, while a loop of about a day can only reset once). Those who are not trapped inside the time loop have no way of knowing a time loop even occured. This ability is extremely draining, and should not be used leisurely, as the exhaustion it can cause can easily become deadly.

– Light –

  • Weapons of Light : Sunniva can conjure up weapons made of pure light energy. The weapons she can use depend on what she can imagine, and she will usually conjure up two of her preferred weapons for dual-wielding purposes. These weapons of light usually take the form of dual chakrams, shields, scimitars, or swords.
  • Light Beam : Similar to the ability Rauru has, to project a beam of devastating light that destroys/injures whatever comes into contact with it. This ability is weaker, in Sunniva's case, as she is more atune to her Time powers than her Light powers.
  • Soft Sunlight : Sunniva can cast Soft Sunlight on someone or something in order to make them glow, essentially creating a light source whenever necessary. It has the same effect as true sunlight, in the sense that the light the person or object radiates is warm and comforting. It also repels and dispells Gloom.

– Facts –
  • "Sunniva" means "gift from the sun."
  • She and her older sister, Solis (owned and created by my wonderful friend Zoroshark) have an age gap of roughly four to five years.
  • She regularly wears Silent Princess flowers in her hair.
  • She has no secret stone of her own.
  • She owns a Giant White Horse, a mare named Irulaan and whom she loves to bits. This mare hates everyone but Sunniva and those she visibly trusts. Irulaan was rescued as a foal, as her dam had sadly passed away. Sunniva took her in and hand raised the filly, which in turn created a strong bond between them.
  • Aside from her mare, Sunniva has three animal friends whom she rescued at some point in her life. These include two ravens, named Bellinor and Rajani, as well as a snow leopard, named Skadi.