


2 months, 17 days ago



Snapping Maw

[ LVL.50 ] Shadowclan
Snappingmaw, Snapping
180 Moons
Senior Warrior


Allowed into the clans by a Med cat who precieved his apperance as being predicted by a vision, Snappingmaw finds himself a outlier in his own home. He isn't a cat, that much is instantly noticable, as the coyote often towers over his clanmates. He was desperate after the death of his mate left him alone, and with a daughter to raise. He spoke a small amount of cat and could understand them somewhat, so he took a chance. He knew of the clans of cats nearby, he had smelt the borders and heard murmurs of them. So, dragging himself and his young pup to the clans border during a stormy new-leaf night, and attemping to communicate that he wished to get help in some form. Blessidly he came across the clans Med cat, who after having a confusing vision from Starclan, took his apperance and pleas for help as what was foretold.

His joining was met with well deserved distrust and skeptisim. The Med cat had to argue and fight to convince the others to let him remain in the clan, to let him and his pup have at least a chance as it was starclans will. Eventually, the leader relented, and allowed him to stay under supervision. And a threat to harm his pup if he ever dare to break the code or falter in his duties. He never did, and now he finds himself a senior warrior, his daughter FlintSpark now a warrior. He is respected but kept at arms length, something he is sure will never change. He is fine with it, he made his peace with it long ago.

"Thought this was mean't to be a challange."


With powerful jaws, he waits to strike often aiming for targets who are picking on smaller allies. He intends to maul, to send a message to run and not return once he releases his hold.


Hunting Prowess

Skilled at hunting, even in times where prey is scarce he will find a way to bring something back.


As Snappingmaw is a coyote, his power vs a average cat causes him to have a upperhand in most battles. Though, if ganged up on he will find himself loosing, due to his age and a permanent limp back leg.



Keeping up a cold and strict apperance, Snappingmaw is often one to go with what a leader tells him. He is not about to question orders unless they interfer with his own moral compass.

Strict | Loyal | Tired

He winds up caring deeply for what little friends he has, often placing their well beings before his own. He can be less strict around them, often cracking a joke every so often!

4 ft
35 lbs
Lanky | Thin

Design Notes

  • Is very battletorn! Walks with a permanent limp nowadays
  • Always looks tired, he often works himself silly if he can, and forgets to rest when needed.
  • Wip


  • Quiet
  • Rabbits
  • The scent of Pine


  • Chaos
  • Code breakers
  • Rouges


  • His daughter Flintspark belongs to my Girlfriend Bubs! In my writing she leaves the clan shortly after becomming a warrior, as she finds the place restricting and constantly at odds with the cats living there.
  • Content
  • Content
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