Kaimi Oshigyo



1 month, 3 days ago



Full Name: Kaimi Oshigyo

Birthday: 19th of March

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Water Wolf (Coral variant)

Family: Esta (mother) Shishi (mother) Kaimu (twin sister) Genova (aunt) Amaron (Cousin) Zoya (Cousin) Gefion (Surrogate father)

Symbolized/Marked/Mutated: No/No/Yes (Chimera)

Sexual orientation: Bisexual

Status: Alive

Rank: Healer

Pack of origin: Tulion pack

Pack/Group: Tulion pack

Classification: Young adult

Mate: None


Kaimi is a kind and friendly wolf. She is very gentle and very understanding when it comes to wolves that deal with trauma. She is very patient towards those who are old or sick and is always able to bring ease to those who are nervous. She is a bit naive and trusting of others.


Kaimi was born in the Tulion pack territory with her twin sister and a brother who passed away shortly after they hatched. She is the leader's daughter but even though she is the eldest she has no desire to lead and is training to become an healer instead.


Kaimi is an average sized female Water wolf with the coral variant. She is a chimera as she has two pelt colors with mostly mutated pelt and standard pelt. She has seven charms around her body.


She has the moves and abilities of her species. Kaimi is a summoner meaning she can summon a spirit to aid her. Her spirit takes the form of a bockadam snake.


-She has a huge crush on Sarkan but is too shy to tell him directly

-She is very awkward at flirting and Sarkan often does not pick up on her flirt

-Her summon is a Bockadom snake also known as the dog faced snake who is sassy and compassionate. They are also named Kiki.